For Placer Land Trust, 2019 was the Year of Rivers! This year saw the permanent protection of 408 acres of beautiful, rugged canyon land in the Sierra, through three separate river projects. But the close of 2019 is also the end of a decade, and looking back, we can see the full scope of our mission in action.
In the last ten years, members like you have protected nearly 6,400 acres through 32 different projects. You’ve preserved habitat for threatened and endangered species. You’ve protected land along the Bear and American Rivers, ensuring cleaner water for all in the region, and for those living downstream. You’ve protected neighborhood gems as small as 8 acres, to our largest preserve yet at 1,773 acres. You’ve preserved our agricultural heritage, and lands that are sacred to Native Americans. And you’ve protected places for people to hike, bike, fish, camp, and so much more! Read on for some of the highlights of 2019, or download the full report below.
Video Highlights

2019 Members and Supporters
Conservation Champions –
Mark Emalfarb
Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust
David Loera & Alison Harvey
Conservation Champions –
The George W. Bauer Family Foundation
The Ridge Golf Course & Events Center
Donald & Audrey Stoye
Conservation Champions –
Blast Analytics & Marketing
Capital Public Radio
Garrett Milam
Mitchell Chadwick
Churchwell White LLP
Joanne Neft
Dean Prigmore & Patrice Taylor
Richard & Barb Proffitt
Robert Kemp Community Endowment Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
Side Hill Citrus
Jack & Peggie Wormington
Aronowitz Skidmore Lyon
Norma Brink
Bruin Ranch
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Jeff & Kim Dutra
Daniel Forgey
Tom & Nancy McMahan
Dennis & Nancy Meyer
Ron & Kathy Meyer
Miller Honey Farms
Donald & Virginia Parker
TAD Executive Fiduciary Services
US Bank Private Wealth Management
Louise & Dick Wiesner
American River Conservancy
API Marketing
Paul & Diane Aronowitz
Shirley Ballinger
Doug & Lisa Balmain
Bella Wildfire & Forestry Services
Boorinakis Harper Ranch
Gregory Bowyer & Sarah Mercer-Bowyer
Robert & Cheryl Brenner
Patricia Callan-McKinney
Dennis & Sharon Cavallo
Century 21 Select Real Estate, Inc.
The Chevalier Law Firm
Community Needs Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
Connerty Will
Cook Development
Jean & Dean Decker
Jon & Karen Easterbrook
Tom & Connie Elmore
Bill & Georgia Flake
Gabilan Fund
at Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Stuart & Kathy Gerould
Gibson & Tuttle
Golden 1 Credit Union
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
Harvego Family Foundation
Alan Hattey & Kelly Morrison
Houston Magnani & Associates
Doug Houston
Karen & Gerald Johnson
Joanna Jones
Dave & Cindy Kasberg
Karen Keene & Ron Kohl
The Keller Family Pathway Fund
at Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Kayden & Christine Kelly
Jim & Mary Kleinbach
John Krogsrud & Deborah Domitrovich
Jean Labadie
Lone Buffalo Vineyards
Morgan Lynn
Madrone Ecological Consulting
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
Rex Maynard & Becky Morris
Karl Mertz, Jr.
Gerald & Gail Mohlenbrok
Clio Muir
Nancy & Ken Nittler
Daryl & Sue Oest
Diane Pargament
Christine Pieper & Dennis Grossman
Placer Title Company
Graeme & Debra Plant
Richland Communities Inc
Gerald Rico & Neva Kesselring
Charles Routt & Edith Thacher
Rural County Representatives of California
Tim & Colleen Sands
Ray Santana & Janet Pucci
Nicole Spencer
J.P. Tindell
Victory Velo Bike Shop
Steve & Nina Vilter
Larry & Linda Welch
Westervelt Ecological Services
Wildlands Inc.
David & Monique Wood
Karen Wyatt
Yamasaki Landscape Architecture
Fred & Denise Yeager
Anita & Bill Yoder
Land Benefactors
A Land Benefactor is an individual, family, or organization who has chosen to protect their land and has included some level of charitable contribution. This could be a donation of land, an easement, funding for a stewardship endowment, and/or a discounted sale.
American Land Conservancy
American River Conservancy
Lisa & Doug Balmain
Ron & Sharon Bettencourt
John & Lugene Boyd Family
Chamberlain Family
Dennis & Nancy Meyer Family Trust
Gretchen & Richard Dyson
Mark Emalfarb
Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust
Ferreira Family
Foresthill Land Company, LLC
Robert & Denise Freiheit
Gould Family
The Harvego Family
Bill & Vera Johnston Family
Labadie Family
Andy & Shana Laursen
David Loera & Alison Harvey
Ron, Kathy, and Blair Meyer Family
Daryl & Sue Oest
Protect American River Canyons
Susan Taylor
Leslie F. Warren
Wilson Family
Heidi & Clif Youmans
Land Protectors
A Land Protector is an individual, family, or organization who has chosen to protect their land, benefiting us all today and for generations to come.
City of Auburn
Placer County
Auburn Area Recreation and Park District
Paula Turtletaub
Placer County
Florence Fang
Paul Mergen
James Nichols
Pannell Family
Streeter Family
Wheeler Family
Siller Brothers, Inc.
Forever Society
Forever Society members preserve the natural wonders of Placer County for generations by including Placer Land Trust in their will and/or estate plans. We are forever grateful to our members listed below, and for our much-appreciated anonymous members.
Veronica Blake
Kurt & Karen Bleuel
Norma Brink
Jeff Darlington
Jan Foster & Ray Valone
Douglas A. Freeman
Bob Gilliom & Patty Schifferle
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
Doug Houston & Sons
Steve & Karen Killebrew
Tom & Nancy McMahan
Ron & Jan Miller
Michael Pargament (deceased) & Diane Pargament
Graeme & Debra Plant
Dean Prigmore & Patrice Taylor
Barbara G. Schutz
Nicole Spencer
Janet & John Voris
Larry & Linda Welch
Karen Wyatt
In Honor Of
Fred Hartley
Bob Kingman
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McClure
In Memory Of
Robert Black
Bill Carnazzo
Don Dill
Dave Flemmer
John Hooten
Phil LaRiviere, Jr.
Tom McMahan
Brenda Milam
Judith Opatz
Michael Pargament
Phil Raimondi
Jack Vogelsang
Gretchen Williams Jurek
General Members
Brian Aguilar
Carmen Alaniz
David & Lisa Allen
Brooke Allison
Aileen Allison-Zarea
James & Julie Alvis
Annette Anders
Ross & Debbie Andersen
Sue Andreasen
Kim Andrup
Brenda Anguiano
Isabel Appleton
Mitzi Arce
Ben Arikawa
Tristyn Armstrong
Lori Ashcraft
Linda & Michael Ashcraft
Rebekah Atwell
Auburn Eye Care
Auburn Symphony
Audubon California
Susan & Greg Ayres
Jessica Back
Susan Baker
Kathy Bannon
David Barbeiro
Stacey Barhydt
Sue Barthelow
Jan Bartuska & Bill Combs
Evon Basque
Hillary Bates
Lorien Batt
Mary Batt
Richard Batt
Michelle Bayley
Don & Ruth Baylis
Marilyne Bazlen
Bill Beadle
James Beale
Carolyn Bechly
Brian Bellew
Shelley Beninga
Diane Berg
Todd Bertz
Patti Bill
George & Jeanmarie Bills
Bill Bisharat
Anne Black
Black Bear Diner
Lucy Blake
Veronica Blake & Kirk Lovejoy
Robert & Margaret Blakeley
Kurt & Karen Bleuel
Elliot Block
Lisa Bloom
Nancy Bloom
Blue Shield of California
Courtney Blumer
Terry Boehler
David & Carrie Boesch
Julia Boorinakis Harper & Anton Barbeau
Sean & Debbie Booth
Tracy Borneman
Richard & Carolyn Bosworth
Dennis & Brenda Bowcut
Kim Box & Craig Robertson
Annemarie Boyle
Jim & Patricia Branham
Joan Brenchley & Kevin Jackson
Larry Brenden
John & Deanna Brenner
Barbara Brenner & Char Ghio
Sarah & Kirk Bresniker
Karen Brigg
Brookfield Residential
Debbie Broughan
Greg & Anne Brown
Julann Brown
Kim & Jeff Brown
Linda Brown
Stephen Brown
Barry Brundage
Tina Bryce
Joseph & Mary Jo Buettner
Barbara Bumgarner
Carly Burdick
Katie Burdick
Lynne Burgan
Burgeson Family Farm
Rebecca Butterfield
Sarah Buxton & Walter Dahl
CA Rice Commission
Patricia Calabrese
Troy Caldwell
Peter & Marianne Calhoun
California Forestry Association
California Tree and Landscape Consulting, Inc.
California Wildlife Foundation
Michelle Callejas
Alaine Callen
Billie Cannon
Sam Cannon
Sherry & Craig Caplinger
Mary Carlin-Washburn
Dawn Carrington
Cathryn & Gary Caruso
Tricia & Rick Caspers Ross
Jennifer Cass
Jennifer Cates
Lisa Chambers
Chris Chan
Julie & Patsy Chase
Linda Chase
Teresa Chase
Quinn Chevalier & Kimik Anderson
David & Carole Chicoine
Edward Ching
Saori Choulos
Mary Christopherson
Gerry & Lori Claflin
Stuart Clancy & Mary Helen Fein
Loren & Debbie Clark
Diane Clauss
Clover Valley Foundation
Benson Cobbold
Richard & Alice Cocke
Gail Cohen
Sara Collette
Vasey Coman
Paul & Susan Conforti
Cynthia Conidaris
Linda Conklin
Linda Conlan
Erin Covington
William & Evelyn Covington
Barbara Cowan
Beverly Cowing
Kimberly Cox
Kevin Crisp
Doug & Vicki Croall
Crooked Lane Brewing Company
Mary & Tom Cuccia
Tom & Diane Currier
James & Gail Cutler
Louise Czopek
Kendra Daijogo
Michael & Mischa Dalcerri
Jeff Darlington
Mick & Carole Darlington
Dale & Mary Darney
Sarah Darney
Jessica & Josh Daugherty
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Charles & Leah Davis
Fred & Susan Davis
Terry Davis
Mitzi De La Cruz
David Deckman
Tim DeGraff
Kirk & Marianne DeMartini
Paul & Elaheh Denzler
Floramaria Deter
Anne Detwiler
Teresa Devenish
Vandana Dhareshwar
Mary Beth Dietrich & Vance Kimbrell
Scott Diffenbaugh
Carol Dill
Dan Dimick
Suzanne Dings
Patty & Dennis Dong
Penny & Denny Dougherty
Debbie Douglass
Karlene Doupe
Michael & B.J. Driscoll
Leah Drury
William Drury
Jeannette Duff
Alice & Brion Dunbar
Laura Duncan & Peter Bridges
Brandy Dunkel
Robert Dunn & Marya Liberty
Dutch Bros Gold Country
Sally Eberle
Rae Ann Eckstrom
Donna Eckwortzel
Kathleen & Perry Edwards
Eisley Nursery Inc.
Annette Elder
Randolph Elder
Polly Eldredge
Kathy Elia
Ryan Elison
Judy Ellis
Roy & Debbie Elsbernd
Emily Leff & James L. Davis III Family Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
Priscilla Enriquez
Environmental Science Associates
Jill Ernst
Gary Estes
Paul & Donna Estridge
Amy Eubank
Annabelle Eubank
Richard Eubank
Anne Evans
Barbara Fairchild
Michael & Deirdre Falatico
Falik Family Philanthropic Fund
Fechter & Company, CPA’s
Bob Fehr
Florence Ferreira
First Northern Bank
Dave & Laura Fisher
James & Denise Fisher
Jan Fleener
Mary Ann Flemmer
Dan & Susanne Flom
Becky Florio
Flour Garden Bakery
The Flower Farm
Sandy & Gary Floyd
Terryl Foch
Elena Forbes
Susan Fossum
Jan Foster & Ray Valone
Kelly Foster
Steve & Cynthia Foster
Mark & Patty Fowler
Judy Fox
Tim & Linda Fraguglia
Don & Nancy Fuller
Margot & Jeffrey Fulmer
Donna & Merrill Furlow
Joanne Galati
Elizabeth Gallagher
Traci Gamble
Tony Ganger
Len & Kris Ganz
Barbara Gee
Maggie Gehlmann
Kent Geller
George Gentes
Adam Giacinto
Arla G. Gibson-Bautista & Bud Bautista
Sue Gilbert
Tonya Goins
Omar Gonzalez
Barbara Goodson
Teri & John Gormley
Larry Gosch
Kathleen Grace
Mike & Sharyn Granville
Jozeffa Greeg
Stephen Grubman
Dan Grumley
Ed & Charlene Guay
Mahala Guggino
Cindy Gustafson
Lisa Guzman
Allegra Hakim
Robert Hall
Hamilton & Associates
Rene Hamlin
William Hammond
Mike & Misty Hansell
Kirk & Alice Hanson
Sandy Harris
Roxene Harrison
Harry & Karen Wyeth Charitable Fund
Nancy Hart
Carole Haskell
Rob & Kimberly Haswell
Monica Haulman
Frances Haulman Herbst
Maureen Henderson & Jerry Wolf
Lauren Herd
Andy & Ashley Herum
Jane Hewson
Elizabeth Hill
Victoria Hines
Julie Hirota
James & Irmgard Hirschinger
Collin & Linda Hobbs
Christopher Hodge & April Sowa
Michael Hodgson & Therese Iknoian
Holiday Inn
Carol Holliman
John Holloway & Elaine Reed
John & Merrie Holman
Jim & Pat Holmes
Mike Holmes
Dale & Jane Holmgren
Home Depot
Bob & Mary Homelvig
Erik & Tina Homelvig
Elizabeth Homen
Sharon Honerlah
Susan Hooten
Lani & Travis Houck
Robert & Arlene Houston
Jeannie Howell
Pat & Al Huber
Rick Humphreys
Stephanie Huntingdale
Josh Huntsinger
Sharel Hutchison & Pete MacRostie
Mary Hynes
Ryan Imbach & Tracy Schohr
Anne Jacobsen House
Arlene Jamar
Elizabeth Jansen
Jarrette Company, LLC
Marilyn Jasper
Sandra Jenkins
Sharon Jenkins
Bill Jensen
Joan Jernegan & Barry Carr
Barbara Jicha
Erin Johansen
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Brad Johnson
Janice Johnson
Linda Johnson
Samuel & Norma Johnson
Tony Johnson
Tracy Johnson
Rhonda Johnston
Dave & Franca Jones
Don Jones
Lydia & Curt Jones
Rayanna Jones
The Joyce W Armitage Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
Jeri Juergenson
Bryan Kaminsky
Greg Kareofelas
Vikram & Monika Katyal
Daniel Keating
Sara Keeler
April Keene
Janice Kehoe
Liz Keim & Wade Wright
Charlene & Del Kelty
Robert Kerth
Steve & Karen Killebrew
Linda & Scott Killian
David Kimbrough
Licia King
Bob & Paige Kingman
Vickie Kingman
William Kirby
Carmen Kirkpatrick
Kate & Stuart Kirsh
Kerri Kisko
Christy Klim
Matt Klint
Jim & Deb Knox
John & Marlene Knox
John Koehler
Adrienne & Mike Kohl
Diana Kostka
Heidi & Dave Krolick
The L & J Bonser Memorial Fund
Anthony La Bouff & Laurie Penn
Deb LaBrie
Lambert Chiropractic
Debbie & Roger L’Amoreaux
Sonja Lane
Celia LaRiviere
Florence LaRiviere
Gregory Larkin
Teri Laub
Patrick Laughlin
Law Office of Marcus J. Lo Duca, P.C.
Greg & Karen Lawley
Bob & Linda Lawrence
Cynthia Lee
Jeanette Leino
Melissa Leong
Todd Leopold
Donald Lewis
Linda Beech Cutler Charitable Fund
at Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Tapani Lindgren
Erica & Corrie Lindsay
Julian Linsteadt
Jim & Linda Lobue
Vivian Long
Nancy Longyear
Chris Lose
David Lose
Sarah Lose
David Lukens
Richard Lutzoff
Bruce & Patricia Lyon
Gay & Barry Mackintosh
Jocelyn Maddux
David Madrigal
Phanh Maksong
Patricia & Don Malberg
Amy March
Janelle Marcione
Mary Marcus
John & Therese Marin
Jeffrey Markov
Elisabeth Marks
Chris & Carrie Marovich
Shawna Martinez
Bill & Linelle Mason
Christina Matassa
Laurel Mathe
Larry Matz
Max’s Restaurant at Holiday Inn Auburn
Paula Maxwell & Bob Bugay
Marsha & Richard McAnulty
Jim & Elizabeth McBride
Eleanor McCalla
Jen McCarthy
Pat & Cheryl McCartney
Katie McCleary
Kevin & Jill McConnen
Bob & Carolyn McElhany
Donna McGlaughlin
Alice & Art McGrath
Loretta McGrath
Gregg & Tiffany McKenzie
Susan & Mike McKenzie
Janet McMartin
Stewart & Christine McMorrow
Joe & Lynn Medeiros
Jim & Ruth Mehl
Kate Meis
Evan Mendell
Jacqueline Mercado
Sharon & Thomas Merchant
Fred & Julie Merriam
Joan Mertz
Charlene Messner
Kristi Meyer
Cathy & Jeff Mikles
Curt Miller
Jason & Ginny Miller
John Miller
Mary Miller
Rita Miller
Ron & Jan Miller
Tom Milner
Rachel Minnick
Collette Minturn
Leigh & Carol Mintz
Lara Miyazaki
Gary Moffat
Moksa Brewing Company
Jennifer Montgomery & Daniel Gomez
John Moore
Mark Moore
Barbara Morgan
Brad & Andrea Morgan
Chelsea Morgan
Jeff & Candace Morton
Jeffrey Moss
Keri Muma
Laura Munro
David Muraki
Tomasz Murawski
Teresa Muscarella
Russell & Kimberly Nash
The Nature Conservancy
Thomas Neary & Susan Dupre
John & Ursula Neil
Maria Nemeth
Florence Nerby
Gerry Nicholson
Nitta Plants & Plans
Kathleen Nitta
David & Cathy Norcott
North Fork American River Alliance
Jeff Novak & Valerie Seymour
Gary Noy
Jim & Marty Oberlander
Paul & Barbara Ogden
Karen Olivier
ORR Design Office, Inc.
Leanne Owens
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Karen Paige
Katie Palatinus
Martin Pancoast
Brian Parry
PaZa Estate Winery
Steve & Pam Peck
Constantine Perakis
Richard & Dorothy Peterson
Sherrie & Craig Petersen
Daniel Phelps & Patricia Osborn
George & Jen Phillips
Photography by Nicholai
Tari Pierce
Bert Pierroz
Tom Piette
Placer County Supervisor Cindy Gustafson
Placer County Supervisor Jim Holmes
Placer County Supervisor Robert Weygandt
Placer County Vintner Association
Placer County Water Agency
Andrew Polik
Stacey Powell
Jaimie Price
Susan Prince & Jim Ricker
Protect American River Canyons
Carolyn Purdy
Beverly Quan
Cathy Quatsoe
Linda & Phil Raimondi
Tony & Alicia Rakocija
Raley’s Family of Fine Stores
Karen Ramm
John & Ann Ranlett
Roberta & Michael Raymond
Lori Reeves
Anita & Dale Reis
Alexia Retallack
Revolution Winery & Kitchen
Bill Reynolds
Julie Rhoten
Ed & Sue Rice
Stephanie & Joel Richardson
Erica Rieder
Robin Riley & Mary Flannigan
Janet & Jeff Riswold
Iggy Rivas
Stephanie Rizzo
Beverly Roberts
Katherine Roberts
Philip & Birgit Robertson
Pat & Eden Rock
Elizabeth Rodoni
Sarah Roeske
Dave & Aimee Rohrer
Kimberly Romanchick
Andrea Rosenthal
Deren Ross
Sarah Ross
Danielle Rossetti-Busa
Michael & Ella Rossitto
Al Roten
Ivette Rothenberg
Round Table Clubhouse
Cynthia Russell
Donald & Janet Russell
Gayle Russell
Steve Russell
Paul & Patty Ruud
Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Ken Sanchez
Veronica Sanchez
Brandon & Laurel Sanders
Chris Sands
Bernadette Sangalang & Sean Trunk
Sardine Lake Resort, Inc.
Phil & Jill Sayre
Richard Schafer
Alice Schilla
Shandon & David Schmeiske
John & Mary Jean Schroeder
Barbara G. Schutz
Gary Scott
Jeanie Scott
Justin Self
David & Andrea Seminer
Chris Shannon
Jill Shannon
Shaw Yoder Antwih Schmelzer & Lange
Tammie Shea
Michael & Melissa Shimizu
Gary & Jan Shonkwiler
Karen & Stan Shook
Linda Shuman-Prins
Karen Siegel
Sierra Moon Goldsmiths
Sierra Pacific Industries
Sierra View Country Club
Signature Homes, Inc.
Carolyn Sing
Sharon Siozon
Jim & Virginia Sizemore
Larry Skidmore
Kim Skwara
Martha Smetana
Kary Smiley
Britton Smith
Claudia Smith
Eric Smith & Julianne Herz Smith
Larry Smith
Merridee & Keith Smith
Roger & Irene Smith
Clark Snitko
Laura Snow
Rich & Linda Snyder
Sonja Sorbo
Keith & Mary Sparks
Mary Spear
Sue Stack
Peter Standish-Lee
Mary & Michael Stark
Mitch Steiger
Sallysue Stein & Tony Engberg
Barbara Steinberg
Linda Steinle
Harriet Stephens
David Sterling
Betsey & Jared Stevens
Moreland & Mary Stevens
Claire Stewart
Jennifer Stewart
Rosie Stilwell
Rebecca Stoddard
Amber Stott
Nikki Streegan
Amy Stroud
Robert Stuart & Rose Hoskinson
Keith & Kara Sutter
Sutter Health
Douglas Swager
Suzanne Swartz
Laurie Sweeney
Veronika Tafoya
Angie Tahti
Cindy Tambini
Richard Taylor & Tracy Grubbs
Bill & Barbara Tellman
William & Mary Alice Thauvette
Janet & Mark Thew
Tom Thiemann
Ann Thomas
Julie Thomas
Carol Thompson & David Hughes
Chesley Thompson
Paul & Kitty Thompson
John & Kerri Timmer
Margie Tomenko
Michael & Martha Totaro
Mary Towne
Nicole Tracy
Tri Counties Bank
Leroy Tripette
Doreen Tucker
Kim Tucker
Christine E. Turner
Twin Peaks Orchard
Umpqua Bank
Jeff Utberg
Firouz Vaghti
Mehrey Vaghti & Tom Toy
Tiffany Van der Linden
Wayne & Barbara Vineyard
Joe & Sue Vitales
David Von Aspern
Janet & John Voris
Suzy Vose
Theresa Voss & Bill Jackson
Justin & Jeni Wages
Joy Waite
Wakefield Landscape
Richard Wakele
Jamie & Rob Wales
Earl & Mary Walker
Kara & Aaron Walker
Susan Walker
Christina Walsh-Curley & Dennis Curley
Donna Ward
Jeff & April Ward
Dee Warenycia
Randy Wasley
Connie Watson
William Wauters
Phil & Kathy Weber
Gary & Shannon Wells
Neil & Amber Wells
Mary West
Westpark Communities
Robert Weygandt
Lonna Whipple
Herb & Susan Whitaker
Amber Whitley
Cindy Whitson-White & Rocke Whiston
Karen Wiese
Wildlands Inc.
Wildlife Heritage Foundation
James & Diane Williams
Ken & Jenness Willmarth
Rich & Kathy Wilshusen
Wilson, Wilson & Taylor
Lori Wilson-Hopkins
Ken & Zinnia Windholz
Shannon Winford
Wise Villa Winery
Gay Wiseman
Sheila Wishek
Jean Woeckener & Robert Burns
Jeanine Wolf
Colin Wood
Regina Wright
JoAnne Wuelfing
Vic & Stacy Wursten
Doreen Yates
Clark Yeager
Edward Yeager
Frances Yeager
John & Evelyn Yeager
Kurt & Barbara Yeager
Louis & Ofelia Yeager
Terry Yoder
Ken & Francine Yorde
Heidi & Clif Youmans
Anna Young Schreck
Adam & Heidi Zacher
Zagory and Associates
Marcia Zaklan-Ferris
Carol Zaworski
Michael & Debby Ziegler