Dear friends, 

Thanks to the support of members like you, Placer Land Trust protected 3,966 acres this year, bringing our total to 18,930 acres preserved for generations to come! 

And while that metric is an important one, it’s not the only measure we use to mark our success. 

Partnerships are essential. Relationships with landowners are built on trust and patience, and can take many years to bear fruit. In 2023 we protected three properties owned by Pacific Gas & Electric, completing a decade-long collaboration resulting in the protection of nearly 7,000 acres of Sierra watershed lands. 

Stewardship of the 56 properties already under our care means ensuring the natural values and resources of each are preserved. A changing climate puts additional pressure on us to manage stream flows and flooding, invasive weeds, and the threat of wildfire to communities near our preserves. This year we held our first prescribed burn at Canyon View Preserve, successfully treating a property susceptible to wildfire. We plan to expand the use of “good fire” to other preserves, as appropriate, in collaboration with local Indigenous tribes. 

I believe the most durable indication of our impact is reflected in you — our community of supporters who give generously of their time, money, and enthusiasm. A record number of new people joined Placer Land Trust this year, resulting in our largest membership ever. And more of you than ever before visited a Placer Land Trust property in 2023 — perhaps you joined a moonlit hike, or spread out a picnic blanket with family and friends on an Open Preserve Day.   

In the end, how we live on the land is an expression of our values. Agriculture and open space are at the heart of Placer Land Trust’s mission. Creating a welcoming and safe space in our community for the next generation of land stewards — that’s the kind of impact we can all celebrate. 


Christine Pieper
President, Placer Land Trust Board of Directors

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