The City of Rocklin’s mission is to “become a city that provides its citizens with exceptional quality of life while maintaining its small-town sense of community.” If you are a resident or business owner in the City of Rocklin, please contact the City Council to tell them saving Clover Valley is important to you, and how it would help Rocklin fulfill its mission!

Rocklin City Council:

Jill Gayaldo, Mayor

David Bass, Vice-Mayor

Ken Broadway, Councilmember

Bill Halldin, Councilmember
(916) 718-1251

Greg Janda, Councilmember

Learn more about the Rocklin City Council here.

Sample email:

You are welcome to customize these scripts with your own reasons that Clover Valley is important to you — just be sure to include your full name and address so your voice will be counted!

Subject: Urgent Request to Protect Clover Valley in Rocklin, CA 

Dear [Councilmember name],

I am writing from [City, ZIP] to urge you to support the permanent protection of Clover Valley, a natural and historical treasure in Rocklin. 

Clover Valley is home to diverse wildlife, vital open spaces, and sites of cultural and historical significance, including 34 sensitive Native American resources including burial sites. Development in this area would irreversibly damage its ecosystem, erase its heritage, and reduce the quality of life for our community. 

Protecting Clover Valley aligns with our shared goals of environmental protection and sustainable growth, and would help meet many of California’s recreation, climate, and biodiversity goals. I ask you to advocate for its conservation through policies that prioritize open spaces and alternatives to development in sensitive areas. 

Thank you for standing with your constituents to protect this irreplaceable resource. Please let me know how I can assist or advocate further to support efforts to protect Clover Valley. 

[Your Full Name] 
[Your Address]  (very important!) 
[Your Email/Phone Number] 

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