Quick Facts:
- 794 acre wildlife preserve located southwest of Lincoln
- Protected by Conservation Easement in 2018
- Grassland and vernal pool landscape, habitat for many bird species
- Landowner Lewis Antonio Mountain Ranch LLC (AKT Investments) donated the easement to create a Mitigation Bank
About the Preserve
A Conservation Easement covering the 794-acre Preserve was donated to Placer Land Trust in July 2018 by landowner Lewis Antonio Mountain Ranch, LLC (a subsidiary of AKT Investments) for the purpose of creating a “mitigation bank.” A mitigation bank is an area of natural land and wildlife habitat that is permanently protected (by easement) and restored to help offset the impacts of development. The Antonio Mountain Ranch Mitigation Bank will generate habitat “credits” for preserved and restored vernal pools, wetlands, riparian (streamside) woodlands, streams, Swainson’s hawk (State threatened species), vernal pool fairy shrimp (Federally threatened species), and tricolored blackbird (State threatened species).
Grassland and Vernal Pool Habitat
The Preserve is made up of 31 acres of vernal pools, 4 miles of streams and riparian woodlands, 45 acres of wetlands and marsh, and native and nonnative annual grasslands. This diverse landscape provides critical wildlife habitat and scenic open space near the City of Lincoln.
Initial biological inventories documented 225 plant species on site, including two special-status plant species. Seven special-status bird species were also documented including a large tricolored blackbird colony (over 1,000 birds were found nesting on site), burrowing owl, white-tailed kite, northern harrier, and prairie falcon.
The Preserve also provides habitat for Swainson’s hawk, a State Threatened species, and vernal pool fairy shrimp, a Federally Threatened species.
Habitat Restoration
Restoration and enhancement of vernal pools, wetlands, and stream habitat is underway and will continue through October 2018. Biologists will monitor the restored habitats for a minimum of five years to ensure the project was successful. If needed the landowner will implement adaptive measures to improve habitat. This monitoring and adaptive management is part of the requirements of the mitigation bank.
Ranch Land and Scenic Open Space
In additional to wildlife habitat, the Preserve also supports local ranching by providing rangeland for livestock grazing, and it protects scenic open space for local residents.
Cooperative Partnership
Lewis Antonio Mountain Ranch LLC is a subsidiary of AKT Investments, a prominent real estate developer in the greater Sacramento area. The LLC will continue to own the land and manage it for wildlife benefit consistent with the terms of the easement. AKT Investments will use the property as a mitigation bank, which includes the restoration and enhancement of vernal pools, streams, and wetlands to improve the ecological value of the site.
“With this easement, we’ve now permanently protected over 10,000 acres in Placer County,” said Placer Land Trust Executive Director Jeff Darlington. “Mitigation projects like this help our rural county balance the growth of development with the protection of our most important resource lands and open spaces. Current and future generations benefit from this balance – as does our environment, economy, and quality of life.”
“AKT values its continuing relationship with Placer Land Trust and the Trust’s commitment to providing permanent protection of vernal pool landscapes throughout the Placer County region,” said Ron Bertolina, AKT Investments’ Vice President and General Counsel.