Help us remove invasive Broom plant species from Canyon View Preserve! This is a fun, hands-on way to learn about land stewardship and make a difference that you can see. There are a few options, depending on what type of opportunity you’re looking for:
1. If you are a part of a corporate or community group that wants to tackle a project together, a one-day “Broom Battle” is a great option! Your group goes out to the preserve to remove invasive broom plants by hand, on a day that is agreeable to our staff lead and your team. Generally we do this type of work in the mornings, before the heat picks up, from about 9:00 – noon.
2. Your group can also “adopt” a section of land to remove the broom at your own pace, on your own schedule and for however long you would like. Under this type of arrangement, our staff lead would go out with you on the first day to do a “Training of Trainers”: orient you to the site, safety practices, and how to identify and remove the broom. Minimal tools are required (loppers and gloves); we may be able to provide some if you don’t have them. After that, you are on your own to run with as you see fit, whether you organize workdays for the entire group, or if it only appeals to a few members. Whatever you are able to contribute is more than we can accomplish on our own! Of course, our staff will be available to help with questions or concerns, and we would appreciate an update on a regular basis from you, but otherwise, your adopted site would be “owned and operated” by you.
3. Individuals can also join one of our organized Broom Battle events. These volunteer workdays run about 3 hours, are open to ages 10 and up, and tend to take place during cooler times of year. Check our Event Calendar for upcoming battles!
Is this for you? This opportunity is great for all ages! Option 1 makes for a fun, easy workday as a one-time project. Option 2 is a self-directed ongoing opportunity with flexible scheduling; we provide orientation and training for group leaders. Option 3 is great for individuals, families, and anyone broom-curious! To learn more or get started, please contact Eden Rock by email or at 530-887-9222 x105.