Cathy grew up in Placer County and is a professional scientist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For over 20 years she has conducted numerous research and investigation projects on the fate and transport of pesticides and their effects on wildlife. She also works pollinator issues, and the impacts pesticides have on their populations and habitat. As a contaminants specialist, she has worked on many contaminants and oil spills and several fires. After having worked these types of disasters and restoration in the aftermath, she has a deep appreciation for lands that are set aside to just be natural land.
Cathy loves being outside and playing in nature – sea to summit and everywhere in between. She is also a yoga teacher and enjoys leading classes outside that inspire connections to nature. She has UC Naturalist and UC Climate Stewards certifications and is a certified UC Climate Instructor for UCANR. She is also a contract instructor for environmental and sustainability organizations, teaching climate science and how if effects communities.
Cathy has served on numerous committees, task forces, boards, and advisory groups professionally and individually. She believes that preserving land to be land, and not to be developed, allows natural processes to do what they do best — one of the most important things we can do to support clean water and environmental quality to all living things beings.
“I feel so fortunate to be part of Placer Land Trust. I have been enjoying the preserves for years and look forward to visiting new ones and inspiring others to do so as well. I believe that collaboration and mindful communication are key to bringing communities together, and working with the Placer Land Trust Community Council puts me in good company of others who want work toward maintaining natural areas in Placer County.”