Collin Hobbs first heard about Placer Land Trust over a decade ago, when he relocated to Auburn from Sacramento and moved into the Real Estate business. He enjoys living on a five acre parcel in the Auburn area, keeping its wild creek-bed areas wild and using other areas for sustenance. Today he still practices real estate, performs as a musical entertainer, and has a home business called Placer Greenhouse.

“Being born and raised in the Sacramento area and now in my late 70’s, I’ve seen growth and changes that that I often did not like. I’ve seen development occur and expand without regard to the precious life that the land once supported and land that could have been better used to support us. I wanted to find a way that I could contribute to preservation of these lands wherever possible, be they wildlands, farms, ranches, or parks and in both rural and urban settings. Placer Land Trust does that.

Over the time I’ve been involved with Placer Land Trust as a volunteer, I’ve taken the time to attend board meetings and other events as I can. I know, from the top down, the commitment and dedication and care that goes into the process of that mission.”

Categories: Community Council