Quick Facts:

  • 200-acre property
  • Located near the City of Auburn
  • Protected in 2017 by Conservation Easement
  • Owned by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)

Wildlife Habitat & Watershed Land

The Preserve contains mixed conifer and hardwood forests that provide habitat for a diverse range of wildlife in the Upper Auburn Ravine watershed.  A portion of Dry Creek is located on the property, making protection of this land important to the overall watershed.   The property is part of PG&E’s hydroelectric watershed lands and also provides scenic value from the nearby public roadways. The Conservation Easement protects the property forever for the benefit of open space, scenery, agriculture, historic and cultural values, and foothill habitat.


The Conservation Easement protecting this land was donated by PG&E to Placer Land Trust as part of an on-going partnership between Placer Land Trust, PG&E, and the Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council (Stewardship Council).  Through this partnership, Placer Land Trust plans to protect 6,200 acres of watershed lands in the Bear River, Yuba River, and American River watersheds of Placer County by the end of 2019. This is part of a much larger effort in which PG&E and the Stewardship Council are working with land trusts to permanently protect 140,000 acres of land across 22 counties in California, much of it in the Sierra Nevada.