Quick Facts:

  • 42 acres on the North Fork American River (downstream of Yankee Jims and Brushy Creek, upstream of Sore Finger Point)
  • Protected in 2019 by Conservation Easement, donated by Alison Harvey and David Loera
  • Mixed conifer and hardwood forest with strong natural, environmental, scenic, water quality, and potential recreational values
  • Property includes approximately 1/4 mile of river frontage, and is adjacent to federal land on three sides
  • Wildlife corridor provides habitat for many species, including the foothill yellow-legged frog, a California State threatened species and Federal Species of Concern 

About the Preserve

The Loera-Harvey North Fork Preserve consists primarily of canyon land with mixed conifer and hardwood forest. It also includes an approximate quarter mile section of North Fork American River, which provides riparian habitat and an important corridor for wildlife. Protection of this land contributes to water quality protection for drinking water supplies downstream, and will help prevent future damage to the river due to mining or dumping of trash and sediment. Placer Land Trust’s stewardship of the property will ensure that no development or misuse occurs in this part of the canyon, helping to keeping the river wild and natural, forever.

While not open to the public, the preserve has significant public value by protecting the health and scenic views of the river and canyon. This is critical to the many rafting groups and others recreating on this section of the river itself, which remains publicly accessible.

Conservation Values

The landowner has seen foothill yellow-legged frogs, a California State threatened species and Federal Species of Concern, on the property. Once thriving across their range, this frog has disappeared from more than half its historical localities due to a variety of threats, including habitat destruction and pollution.

This area is home to an incredible diversity of wildlife – from large mammals (bear, deer, coyote, bobcat, even ring-tailed cat) to reptiles, amphibians, birds and insects, and of course fish and aquatic life in the river itself. Together with the beautiful flora dominated by oaks and pines, the wildness of this area provides breathtaking scenery and vital habitat. Preservation of the wildlife corridor provides a “nature highway” for animals to move safely up- and downstream, without disruption from human activity or development – these “nature highways” are becoming more and more critical for wildlife survival in the face of the dual threat of development and climate change. Together with its important water supply and recreation values, the Loera-Harvey North Fork Preserve represents a lasting investment in the health of our region, so that all living things can thrive — now and forever.

Loera-Harvey North Fork Preserve is currently not open to the public (except for the river itself). For a list of our properties that have public trails, visit our Trails page.