In 2007, Placer Land Trust partnered with our land trust neighbor to the south, the American River Conservancy, on a joint venture project to permanently preserve 94 acres of beautiful scenic land on the northern side of the North Fork American River, southeast of Interstate 80 at Gold Run.
The 94 acres consists of two parcels, a 61-acre parcel upstream of Green Valley and a 33-acre property downstream in the valley near other lands protected by Placer Land Trust. The two river frontage parcels were purchased at below market value (a “bargain sale”) from the landowners, Siller Brothers Inc., using grant funding provided by the United Auburn Indian Community.
Later, in 2019, Placer Land Trust purchased and protected Southern Cross Preserve, a separate 46-acre parcel on the southern side of the river, directly adjacent to the 61-acre Siller parcel on the other side of the river. This 46-acre purchase was from landowner Marc Emalfarb at below market value (a “bargain sale”). This parcel contains a stretch of the popular Euchre Bar Trail and was the site of the former Southern Cross mine. Funding for this 46-acre acquisition was provided by Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust and proceeds from Placer Land Trust’s 2017 Placer Conservator event and auction.
These two projects over a decade apart reflect Placer Land Trust’s ongoing commitment to the protection of the American River and its watershed, which a treasured landscape that provides many benefits to our region.
The acquisition and protection of these lands removes the risk that they will be developed or destroyed through extraction of their natural resources. All three of the parcels totaling 140 acres were transferred to the U.S. Forest Service as a permanent addition to the Tahoe National Forest.