2021 was a year of stewarding our lands, reflecting on the past, and planning for our future. We wrapped up our 30th anniversary, feeling proud of what we’ve accomplished together—staff, board members, volunteers, partners, and donors — and dreaming about what’s possible. Despite the continued pandemic, our team was hard at work on new conservation projects. We continued to steward the lands in our care, making our preserves more resilient to catastrophic wildfires, removing invasive species, and building and tending to trails.
2021 also reminded us that we are indebted to the generations of people before us. We acknowledge that the protected lands in our care are the ancestral lands of the Maidu, Miwok, Nisenan, and Washoe tribes, and their lands were forcibly seized, and these tribes were unjustly treated. We are also grateful for the generations of farmers and ranchers who have stewarded their lands before permanently protecting them with Placer Land Trust. We know that indigenous communities, farmers, and ranchers provide valuable knowledge about conservation and long-term stewardship of land, and we look forward to growing our partnerships with them to further conservation in the future.
Looking ahead, we think future generations deserve a chance to benefit from protected lands in Placer County as we do today. That’s why we collaborated with community members to develop a new strategic plan that will guide us for the next decade. We’ve learned a lot over the past 30 years and are excited to put that knowledge into practice to make the future of Placer Land Trust as effective as it can be, providing the best possible benefits to all who live, work, and play in Placer County!
Video Highlights
In 2021, we were hard at work behind the scenes laying the groundwork for some exciting upcoming projects! Here’s a sneak peek at one of them — 1,540-acres of forested canyon land along the North Fork of the American River. This is one of the largest remaining natural properties in Placer County, and connects to other protected lands along these beautiful river canyons.
Working in partnership with the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Trust for Public Land, in 2021 we submitted our first grant application to the federal Land & Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). We are seeking $8M to acquire and permanently protect the property from development, and to open it for public recreation. We hope to hear good news from LWCF in early in 2022 — and if we get the LWCF grant funding, we could conclude the purchase and transfer the property to BLM by 2023 for ongoing recreation and land management. Stay tuned for exciting news to come!
We also visited Spring Garden Preserve in Foresthill with Stewart McMorrow, Deputy Chief of Forestry Assistance for CAL FIRE, and PLT’s Executive Director Jeff Darlington, to learn about how Placer Land Trust and CAL FIRE are partnering to steward our forest lands and improve fire safety. Enjoy a bird’s-eye look at this beautiful preserve, the river canyons, and the Foresthill Divide.
Top Stories of 2021
Bailey North Fork Preserve Expanded
Newly completed project protects more river frontage, recreation opportunities, watershed, and wildlife habitat.
Read more…
A big anniversary, and a fresh new look!
Big Day of Giving 2021 – WOW!
Teaming With Beavers
A Founder’s Story of Our Past, Present, and Future
Bidding Big for Conservation — What a Success!
Partnering on Auburn Shaded Fuel Break at Canyon View Preserve
Rich Ferreira: Farming in a Changing Climate
2021 Staff and Board Transitions
In 2021, we welcomed some fresh faces to Placer Land Trust, and said fond farewells to a few longtime friends as they moved on to new things. Read more…
2021 Supporters
Conservation Champions
Donations of $5,000+
Beard Ranch
Kelly Berger
Larry Brenden
California Foundation for Stronger Communities
Capital Public Radio
Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust
The George W. Bauer Family Foundation
Samuel & Norma Johnson
Kayden & Christine Kelly
Mary Ann Flemmer Arts & Environment Fund at Placer
Community Foundation
Christine Pieper & Dennis Grossman
Graeme & Debra Plant
Dean Prigmore & Patrice Taylor
Side Hill Citrus
Donald & Audrey Stoye
J.P. Tindell
White Brenner LLP
Forever Society
Supporters who have included Placer Land Trust in their will and/or estate plans
Anonymous (2)
Veronica Blake
Kurt & Karen Bleuel
Norma Brink
Jeff Darlington
Mary Ann Flemmer
Jan Foster & Ray Valone
Douglas A. Freeman
Bob Gilliom & Patty Schifferle
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
Doug Houston & Sons
Karen Keene & Ron Kohl
Steve & Karen Killebrew
Joan Levers & David Manhart
Tom (deceased) & Nancy McMahan
Ron & Jan Miller
Michael Pargament (deceased) & Diane Pargament
Graeme & Debra Plant
Dean Prigmore & Patrice Taylor
Barbara G. Schutz
Nicole Spencer
Janet & John Voris
Larry & Linda Welch
Karen Wyatt
Land Benefactors
Supporters who have chosen to protect their land and have included a charitable contribution
American Land Conservancy
American River Conservancy
Lisa & Doug Balmain
Patti Beard
Ron & Sharon Bettencourt
John & Lugene Boyd Family
Chamberlain Family
Dennis & Nancy Meyer Family Trust
Gretchen & Richard Dyson
Mark Emalfarb
Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust
Ferreira Family
Foresthill Land Company, LLC
Robert & Denise Freiheit
Neil Gerjuoy
Gould Family
The Harvego Family
Bill & Vera Johnston Family
Labadie Family
Andy & Shana Laursen
David Loera & Alison Harvey
Ron, Kathy, & Blair Meyer Family
Daryl & Sue Oest
Protect American River Canyons
Susan Taylor
Leslie F. Warren
Wilson Family
Heidi & Clif Youmans
Land Protectors
Supporters who have chosen to protect their land, benefiting us all today and for generations to come
City of Auburn
Placer County
Auburn Area Recreation and Park District
Paula Turtletaub
Placer County
Florence Fang
Paul Mergen
James Nichols
Pannell Family
Streeter Family
Wheeler Family
Siller Brothers, Inc.
Those who have had a gift made in their honor
Brooke Allison & James Smith
Paul Aronowitz
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
The Johnson Family
Karen Killebrew
Kate Nitta
Vernon & Eileen Reeves
Eden Rock
Gary & Shannon Wells
Cindy Whitson-White
Those who have had a gift made in their memory
George Brenner
Gabriella Debeniotis
James Durfee
Bill Flake
David R. Fritschi Sr.
Michael Grace
Iain Gray
Roland & Gloria Herbst
Diana Pirich
Jerry Quatsoe
Brad Weston
Supporters who have generously shared their time and talent with Placer Land Trust
Therese Adams
David Allen
Achini Bandara
Bill Beadle
Brian Bellew
Shannon Benton
Kelly Berger
Barbara Brenner
Steve Brown
Aleena Church
Gerry Claflin
Loren Clark
Sean Collins
Vandana Dhareshwar
Dan Eddleman
Amy Eubank
Rich Ferreira
Jan Foster
Bob Gilliom
Elizabeth Giollogly
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
Vickie Hayashigatani
Brandon Hill
Collin Hobbs
Rose Hoskinson
Doug Houston
Bill Jensen
Cathy Johnson
Doug Johnson
Mark Johnson
Ron Jurek
Karen Keene
Tatyana Kjellberg
Jocelyn Maddux
John Marin
Shawna Martinez
Jim McBride
Christine McMorrow
Linda Mercurio
Karl Mertz Jr
Ron Miller
Jeff Morton
Bob Niblack
Janet Nicholson
Kate Nitta
Christine Pieper
Tom Piette
Andrew Polik
Jana Polik
Jaimie Price
Sue Rice
Sarah Roeske
Deren Ross
Danielle Rossetti-Busa
Nicole Spencer
Rosie Stillwell
Amy Stroud
Maggie Tides
J.P. Tindell
Nicole Tracy
Doreen Tucker
Ray Valone
Kya Walker
Christina Walsh-Curley
Gary & Shannon Wells
Megan Wells
Michael Wells
Cindy Whitson-White
Kayla Wolak
Bryan Wright
Fred Yeager
We are grateful to our supporters who have given a gift at any level!
Anonymous (15)
Marcy Ahrons
Allen Feest Kjellberg Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley
David & Lisa Allen
Gray Allen
Brooke Allison
Aileen Allison-Zarea
Paula Amerine
Vince & Renee Anaclerio
Annette Anders
Ross & Debbie Andersen
Terri Anderson
Sue Andreasen
Kim Andrup
API Marketing
Kristin Aplin
David & Elaine Applebaum
Paul & Stacie Ardoin
Denise Arger
Ben Arikawa
Aronowitz Skidmore Lyon
Paul & Diane Aronowitz
Louise Arquilla
Linda & Michael Ashcraft
Auburn Toyota
Leslie Axelrod
Rosanna Ayala
Brad & Shawn Baldwin
Ed Ballinger
Shirley Ballinger
Lisa & Doug Balmain
Achini Bandara
David Barbeiro
Fred Barnhart
Marilyn Barthelow
Evon Basque
Mary Batt
Don & Ruth Baylis
Marilyne Bazlen
Beard Ranch
Thomas Beattie
Carolyn Bechly
Amber Beckler
Brendan Belby
Bella Wildfire & Forestry Services
Brian Bellew
Brittany Benesi
Terry Bennett
Diane Berg
Kelly Berger
Julie Bergman
Big Spoon Yogurt
Scott Bigelow
George & Jeanmarie Bills
Veronica Blake
Robert Blakeley
Bridgette Blaque
Kurt & Karen Bleuel
Elliot Block
Lisa Bloom
Nancy Bloom
Nora & Robert Boeger
Boorinakis Harper Ranch
Julia & Anton Boorinakis Harper Barbeau
Tracy Borneman
Dennis & Brenda Bowcut
Kim Box & Craig Robertson
Martha Boyer
Annemarie Boyle
Farra Bracht
Jim & Patricia Branham
Brenchley-Jackson Fund of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Larry Brenden
Barbara Brenner & Char Ghio
Sarah & Kirk Bresniker
Norma Brink
Dana Brittingham
Carol Brodeur
Charles Brown
Linda Brown
Stephen Brown
Kim Brown & Jeff Hartnett
Bruin Ranch
Joe Bryant
Tina Bryce
Barbara Bumgarner
Burgeson Family Farm
Laurie & Paul Burns
Everett Butts
Sarah Buxton & Walter Dahl
CA Rice Commission
Dan & Patty Calabrese
California Conservation of Trails
California Foundation for Stronger Communities
Paul & Pauline Callaghan
Patricia Callan-McKinney
Michelle Callejas
Alaine Callen
Billie Cannon
Capital Public Radio
Capitol Floats
Sherry & Craig Caplinger
Don Carrubba
Cathryn & Gary Caruso
Tricia & Rick Caspers Ross
Carol Catinari
Dennis & Sharon Cavallo
Century 21 Select Real Estate, Inc.
Donna Chaet
Chris Chan
Linda Chase
Jamie Chatterley
David & Carole Chicoine
Iris Ching
Lucinda Chipponeri
Mary Christopherson
Christy Claes
Gerry & Lori Claflin
Stuart Clancy & Mary Helen Fein
John & Terri Clark
Loren & Debbie Clark
Lucy & Pete Clark
Dani Clauss
Clif Family Winery
Richard & Alice Cocke
Susan Coffin
Community Needs Fund at Placer Community Foundation
Paul & Susan Conforti
Cynthia Conidaris
Linda Conklin
Faith Conley
Cook Family Charitable Fund
Cook Development Consulting Services
Lyle Cook & Sabrina Thompson
Juan Cordero
Katie Coughlin
William & Evelyn Covington
Erin Covington
Barbara & Clay Cowan
Tom & Helene Crandall
Doug & Vicki Croall
Charles Cropley
James & Gail Cutler
D.F. Properties, Inc.
Michael & Mischa Dalcerri
Charlene Daniels
Jeff Darlington
John & Cynthia Darlington
Mick & Carole Darlington
Dale & Mary Darney
Sara & Josh Darney
Sarah Darney & Rowdy Sabin
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Paula Davidson
Fred & Susan Davis
Terry Davis
Jean & Dean Decker
David Deckman
Jean-Louis Delville
Kirk & Marianne DeMartini
Dennis & Nancy Meyer Family Trust
Tony DeRiggi
Anne Detwiler & Kristian Carson
Teresa Devenish
Peggy Dewey
Greg DeYoung
Amy & Adam Dieter
Mary Beth Dietrich
Scott Diffenbaugh
Dan & Dorothy Dimick
Suzanne Dings
Jacqueline Dion
DK Real Estate Inc
Patty & Dennis Dong
Heather Donovan
Penny Dougherty
Debbie Douglass
Rudolph Dressendorfer
Jeannette Duff
Alice & Brion Dunbar
Laura Duncan & Peter Bridges
Jon & Karen Easterbrook
Alison Easton
Ranny Eckstrom & Meredith Nelson
ECORP Consulting, Inc.
Ann Edgerton
Benjamin & Rachel Edwards
Jeannie Edwards
Judy Ellis
Sophia Ellis
Roy & Debbie Elsbernd
Rosemary Elston
Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust
The Endicott Family Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Priscilla Enriquez
Escape Folsom
Gary Estes
Paul & Donna Estridge
Amy Eubank
Annabelle Eubank
Richard Eubank
Amy Evans
Anne Evans
Curt & Mary Anne Evanson
Rosanna Everson & David Tanner
Barbara Fairchild
Fantastic Fund at Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Dave Faoro
Fechter & Company, CPA’s
Liesl Feldman
Hilda Fernandez
Jeff Ferreira-Pro
Lisa Fine-Cavalli
First Northern Bank
Dave & Laura Fisher
Jim & Denise Fisher
Georgia Flake
Mary Ann Flemmer
Sandy & Gary Floyd
Jeffrey Foltz
Elena Forbes
Susan & Curtis Fossum
Kelleann Foster
Steve & Cynthia Foster
Jan Foster & Ray Valone
Mark & Patty Fowler
Georgia FoxWatters
Tim & Linda Fraguglia
Barbara Fralick
Don & Nancy Fuller
Margot & Jeffrey Fulmer
Donna & Merrill Furlow
Kerstin Furtauer
Joanne Galati
Jerry Gamez
Tony Ganger
Len & Kris Ganz
Jay Garrard & Pamela Ross
Reinhold & Rachel Gedeit
Kent Geller
The George W. Bauer Family Foundation
Van Geslani
Ken & Susan Giannotti
Arla G. Gibson-Bautista & Bud Bautista
Gibson & Tuttle, A Law Corporation
Steve & Sue Gilbert
Elizabeth & Shawn Gillogly
Fiona Gillogly
The Giovanetti Family
Terri Givens
Michael Glisson
Pete & Mary Gobby
Nathan Goff
Tonya Goins
Ginny Gonzalez
Barbara Goodson
Ron Gould
Arlene & David Graber
Kathleen Grace
Justin Gragg
Elias Grant
Mike & Sharyn Granville
Leslie Gray
Licia Green
Tamu Green
Stephen Grubman
Ed & Charlene Guay
Melinda Guice
Cindy Gustafson & Wally Auerbach
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
Glen Hall
Robert Hall
Bill Halldin
Michelle Hamil
Hanford ARC Fund
Mike & Misty Hansell
Heidi Hansen
Paul Hardy
Amanda Harms
Sandy Harris
Pamela Harrison & Shelly Tilley
Nancy Hart
Jason Hartmann
Harvego Family Foundation
Rob & Kimberly Haswell
Fran Haulman Herbst
Monica Haulman
Vickie Hayashigatani
Megan Hecox
David Herman
Ann Heron
Sandy & Alan Hersh
Meghan Hertel
Andy & Ashley Herum
Tanya Hibbard
Caroline Hickson
Elizabeth Hill
Julie Hirota
Collin & Linda Hobbs
Leslie Hobson
Michael Hodgson & Therese Iknoian
Tom & Diane Hofsommer
John Holloway & Elaine Reed
Jim & Pat Holmes
Mike Holmes
Dale & Jane Holmgren
Nancy Holtz-McMahan
Bob & Mary Homelvig
Erik & Tina Homelvig
Elizabeth Homen
Lani & Travis Houck
Edgar Houghtby
Houston Magnani & Associates
Doug Houston
Jeannie Howell
Jessica Hubbard & Josh Kurtz
Caitlyn Hughes
Cindy Huisking
Todd & Joyce Hummel
Daniel & Deborah Hunter
Mary Hynes
J.A.E. Fund For Animal & Environmental Welfare at Placer Community Foundation
Louise Jackson
Robert & Janet Jacob
Jeffery James
Elizabeth Jansen
Leslye Janusz
Marilyn Jasper
Tom Jasper
Cyrus Javadi
Antonia Jensen
Joan Jernegan & Barry Carr
Erin Johansen
The John Combs Donor-Advised Fund
Becky Johnson
Cathy Johnson
Janice Johnson
Karen & Gerald Johnson
Linda Johnson
Mark Johnson
Melisa Johnson
Richard Johnson
Samuel & Norma Johnson
Tracy Johnson
Joanna Jones
Bob Jordan
Vic Jordana
The Joyce W Armitage Fund at Placer Community Foundation
John & Vivian Justus
Corinne & Guido Kaelin
Merrill Kagan-Weston
Bryan Kaminsky
Greg Kareofelas
Dave & Cindy Kasberg
April Keene
Karen Keene & Ron Kohl
Shannon Keene
Liz Keim & Wade Wright
The Keller Family Pathway Fund at Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Kayden & Christine Kelly
Keith & Teresa Kenworthy
Steve & Karen Killebrew
Linda & Scott Killian
Bob & Paige Kingman
Kate & Stuart Kirsh
Kerri Kisko
Jim & Mary Kleinbach
Rebecca Kleiner
Trish Kness
Jim & Deb Knox
John & Marlene Knox
Gary & Heather Koolhof
Diana Kostka
Susan & Steve Kotelnicki
Charles Kritzon
John Krogsrud & Deborah Domitrovich
Heidi & Dave Krolick
Lia Kueck
Jean Labadie
Laura Labanieh
Wendy Lambert
Lisa & Chris Lamorey
Cord Lamphere
Sonja Lane
Celia LaRiviere
Florence LaRiviere
Law Office of Alexandria Goff, PC
Law Office of Marcus J. Lo Duca, PC
Bob & Linda Lawrence
Dixie Laws
Janice Leblanc
Cynthia Lee
Marshall Lee
Patricia Lee
Jeanette Leino
Joan Levers & David Manhart
Michael Levin
Liberty Mutual
Rebecca Lillis
Linda Beech Cutler Charitable Fund at Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Tapani Lindgren
Robert Littlejohn
Kristina Lloyd
Melissa Lobach
Jim & Linda Lobue
David Loera & Alison Harvey
Bonnie London
Lone Buffalo Vineyards
Nancy Longyear
Carol Love
Bob Lowry
Jessica Lutzker
Morgan Lynn
Ellen MacInnes
Gay & Barry Mackintosh
Jocelyn Maddux
Nicholas Mahr
Patricia & Don Malberg
Amy March
Janelle Marcione
Mary Marcus
John Margowski
John Marin & Therese Crutcher-Marin
John Marinko
Tece Markel
Jeffrey Markov
Elisabeth Marks
Alexia Martin
Elena Martin
Shawna Martinez
Mary Ann Flemmer Arts & Environment Fund at Placer Community Foundation
The Massage Studio
Donna Matthews
Larry Matz
Maxwell/Bugay Family Revocable Trust
Rex Maynard & Becky Morris
Eleanor McCalla
James McCallum
Pat & Cheryl McCartney
Lorrie McClain
Katie McCleary
Holly McClure & Jeff McCreary
Kevin McConnen & Jill Hartnell
Cara McCoy & Russell Mooney
Donna McGlaughlin
Michael McGrann
Loretta McGrath
Gregg & Tiffany McKenzie
Susan & Mike McKenzie
Mike & Phoebe McMahan
Janet McMartin
Mary McMillan
Stewart & Christine McMorrow
Christine McPherson
Jim & Ruth Mehl
Kate Meis
Linda Mercurio
Fred & Julie Merriam
Karl Mertz, Jr.
Charlene Messner
Kristi Meyer
Ron & Kathy Meyer
Cathy & Jeff Mikles
Miller Honey Farms
Kathy Miller
Robert Miller
Tom Milner & Pat Ferguson
Collette Minturn
Leigh & Carol Mintz
Mitchell Chadwick LLP
Gary Moffat
Gerald & Gail Mohlenbrok
Moksa Brewing Company
John Moore
Mark Moore
Shelley & Ben Moore
Dave & Kate Morehouse
Barbara Morgan
Brad & Andrea Morgan
Chelsea Morgan
Dolores Morrison
Karen Morse & Robert Niblack
Jeff & Candace Morton
Tom & Laura Morton
Rick & Clio Muir
Keri Muma
David Muraki
Thomas Neary & Susan Dupre
Joanne Neft
John & Ursula Neil
Maria Nemeth
Flo Nerby
Network for Good
Newcastle Properties Group
Nicholson van Altena Glass
Gerry Nicholson
Janet & Rick Nicholson
Patricia Nielsen
Nitta Plants & Plans
Kathleen Nitta
Nancy & Ken Nittler
Raelynn Noel
Jamie Nolan
David & Cathy Norcott
Jeff Novak & Valerie Seymour
Gary Noy
Daryl & Sue Oest
Mary Ellen Oliveira
Paul Olson
Omar Gonzalez, A Law Corporation
Michele O’Reilly-Kim
Kristen O’Shea
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Karen Paige
Katie Palatinus
Rick & Monica Pappas
Diane Pargament
Donald & Virginia Parker
Bonita Parodi
Eric & Paula Peach
Richard Pearson & Jean Hart
Steve & Pam Peck
Molly Penberth
Laurie Penn
Mark Perry
Bob, Kelly, & Jasper Peterson
Richard & Dorothy Peterson
Sherrie & Craig Petersen
Jan Petrenko
Daniel Phelps & Patricia Osborn
George & Jen Phillips
Christine Pieper & Dennis Grossman
Bert & Ruth Pierroz
Tom & Mary Piette
Placer Artists Studios Tour
Placer County Supervisor Bonnie Gore
Placer County Supervisor Cindy Gustafson
Placer County Supervisor Jim Holmes
Placer County Supervisor Robert Weygandt
Placer County Supervisor Suzanne Jones
Placer County Vintner Association
Placer Resource Conservation District
Placer Title Company
Graeme & Debra Plant
Joe & Kelly Poggi
Dave Polgar
Nancy Polli
Alasdair Jonathan Porteus
Stacey Powell
Mark Prechter
Jaimie Price
Dean Prigmore & Patrice Taylor
Susan Prince & Jim Ricker
Richard & Barb Proffitt
Carolyn Purdy
Puzzlewood Productions
Jill Quan
Cathy Quatsoe
Karen Ramm
Jacqueline Ramos
Tanya Randall
Roberta & Michael Raymond
Laura Read
Sandra & Jerry Reeves
Lori Reeves
Alexia Retallack
Kirsten & Steve Reynolds
Susan Reynolds
Julie Rhoten
Ed & Sue Rice
Stephanie & Joel Richardson
Gerald Rico & Neva Kesselring
Gilbert Riojas
Elia Rivas
Iggy Rivas
Greg & Sabryna Roberson
Jan Robinson Fleener
Eden & Pat Rock
Sarah Roeske
Dave & Aimee Rohrer
Kimberly Romanchick
Deren Ross
Diane Ross
Sarah Ross
Danielle Rossetti-Busa
Thomas Rotelli
Ivette Rothenberg
Sarah Roughgarden
Charles Routt & Edith Thacher
Dan & Anne Runte
Donald & Janet Russell
Gayle Russell
Jennifer Russell
Paul & Patty Ruud
Stephanie Salazar
Chris Sands
Ray Santana & Janet Pucci
Danielle Sarra
Robert Sawhill
Phil & Jill Sayre
Donald & Rose-Marie Schaefer
Bill Scharbach
Alice Schilla
Joseph Schlesinger
Shandon & David Schmeiske
Heather Schneider
John & Mary Jean Schroeder
Richard Schuman
Barbara G. Schutz
Gary Scott
Steve Scott
Suzanne Scotten
Dan Sedgley
Justin Self
Ty Shalley
Jill Shannon
Shaw Yoder Antwih Schmelzer & Lange
Sarah Sheefel
Suzanne Sheetz
Sandi Sherwood
Michael & Melissa Shimizu
Karen & Stan Shook
Moira & Bob Short
Side Hill Citrus
Sierra Moon Goldsmiths
Sierra View Country Club
Signature Homes, Inc.
Patricia Siino
Steve & Martha Smetana
Claudia Smith
Larry Smith
Merridee & Keith Smith
Laura Snow
Rich & Linda Snyder
Larry & Dorothea Soderman
Sonja Sorbo
Nicole Spencer
Cathleen Spence-Wells & Greg Wells
Starbucks Coffee
Mary & Michael Stark
Caroline Stark
Nancy Steger
Mitch Steiger
Sallysue Stein & Tony Engberg
Barbara Steinberg
Harriet Stephens
David Sterling
Dottie Sterling
Jan Stevens & Carole Cory
Moreland & Mary Stevens
Jennifer Stewart
Rosie Stilwell
Rebecca Stoddard
Laurinda Stoody
Donald & Audrey Stoye
Nikki Streegan
Joe & Cindy Strickland
Candice Stroope
Robert Stuart & Rose Hoskinson
Lynsey Sugarman
Amy Supinger & Michael Cohen
Sutter Health
Laurie Sweeney
TAD Executive Fiduciary Services
Angela Tahti
Cindy Tambini
Erin Tarr
John Taylor
Richard Taylor & Tracy Grubbs
Sandy Taylor
Susan Taylor
Bill & Barbara Tellman
Diane Tharp
William & Mary Alice Thauvette
Janet & Mark Thew
Alisha Thomas
Ann Thomas
Julie Thomas
Carol Thompson & David Hughes
Chesley Thompson
Melinda Thompson
Paul & Kitty Thompson
Holly Tiche
Margaret Tides
John & Kerri Timmer
J.P. Tindell
Farrah Ting
Margie Tomenko
Robert & Annette Tornborg
Michael & Martha Totaro
Mary Towne
Nicole Tracy
Tri Counties Bank
Lydia Trone
Rebecca Troxell
Stephenson Tse
Kim Tucker & Caroline Foster
Christine E. Turner
U.S. Bank Private Wealth Management
Christine Uebele
Umpqua Bank – Workplace Giving
United Way
Jeff Utberg
Mehrey Vaghti & Tom Toy
Corbin Vaughn
The Vera Family
Victory Velo Bike Shop
Steve & Nina Vilter
Wayne & Barbara Vineyard
Visit Placer
Joe & Sue Vitales
Janet & John Voris
Theresa Voss & Bill Jackson
Aaron Wagner
Joy Waite
Shawn Wakefield
Jamie & Rob Wales
Kara & Aaron Walker
Donna Ward
Jeff & April Ward
Dee Warenycia
William Wauters
Phil & Kathy Weber
Edward & Barbara Weiss
Larry & Linda Welch
Gary & Shannon Wells
Michael Wells
Neil & Amber Wells
Westervelt Ecological Services
Westpark Communities
Steve & Tracy Wetzel
Robert Weygandt
Herb & Susan Whitaker
White Brenner LLP
April White
Harry & Karen White
Nate Whitson
Cindy Whitson-White & Rocke Whiston
Louise & Dick Wiesner
Hugh Wilder
William Jessup University
Cheryl Williams
Rich & Kathy Wilshusen
Wilson, Wilson & Taylor
Lori Wilson-Hopkins
Jenine Windeshausen
Brian & Rina Winsor
Gay Wiseman
Jean Woeckener & Robert Burns
Kayla Wolak
Jeanine Wolf
Diane Wolfe
David & Monique Wood
Karen Wyatt
Yamasaki Landscape Architecture
Doreen Yates
Edward & Barbara Yeager
Fred & Denise Yeager
John & Evelyn Yeager
Ley Yeager
Louis & Ofelia Yeager
Kaelan Yen Smith
Anita & Bill Yoder
Terry Yoder
Ken & Francine Yorde
Heidi & Clif Youmans
Marcia Zaklan-Ferris