From Our Board President, Christine Pieper
Dear friends,
Reflecting on 2024, I am deeply grateful for your support in conserving and celebrating Placer County’s natural beauty. You’re an essential part of this mission and we couldn’t do our work without you.
This year, two new preserves got us closer to the goal of protecting 25,000 acres of natural and agricultural lands in Placer County by 2030. To steward those preserves already in our care, Placer Land Trust partnered with community members and organizations to remove invasive species and reduce fuel loads. Community partnerships also helped us engage more people than ever before on our preserves this year. We’ve worked behind the scenes preparing for the connection of Hidden Falls Regional Park to our Big Hill Preserve. I hope to see you on those trails in 2025!
We are looking forward to 2025 and are ready to overcome challenges and celebrate many wins with you, our members, right by our side. Whether through volunteering, donations, or spreading the word about our mission, you play a crucial role in our success.
Thank you for being an integral part of the Placer Land Trust team. Together, we are creating a lasting legacy for future generations.
With appreciation and optimism,
Christine Pieper
Board President
Highlights of 2024
Lake Clementine & North Fork American River Preserve
In May, Placer Land Trust worked with the Trust for Public Land to permanently protect over 1500 acres of significant river canyon outside Auburn.
The property, formerly slated for a 94-unit housing development, includes Lake Clementine access and shoreline as well as 2.5 miles along the North Fork American River. The two land conservation organizations purchased the property and conveyed it to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to ensure the land is forever held in the public trust.
Lincoln 1079 Ranch
In October, we protected Lincoln 1079 Ranch, a 581-acre working organic almond and rice ranch west of the City of Lincoln. An Agricultural Conservation Easement permanently protects the property from subdivision and development while allowing the landowners to continue their agricultural operations.
Located on the Auburn Ravine, the ranch is adjacent to land that is already protected for the Swainson’s hawk, and is also near another almond and rice ranch protected by Placer Land Trust via conservation easement. Together, these properties form a larger area of protected lands, providing habitat and migration paths for a wide variety of wildlife in addition to ensuring these lands will continue to support agriculture.

Community Connections
Through partnering with community organizations, businesses, and local and regional agencies, we can achieve so much more than we could than going alone. Here are a few highlights of 2024!
The Auburn Symphony and Placer Land Trust brought the best of their assets together for Symphony Under the Sky. Guests wandered the trails at Laursen Bear River Preserve, finding musician ensembles tucked in the trees and enjoying the sounds of Mozart or Bach in the meadow, and soaking in the benefits of nature.
This year, staff at the United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Sacramento and Northern California learned about our “Ramble & Roam” children’s program, and asked if we could adapt it for their program participants. We were delighted to do so! UCP families enjoyed an outing on our preserves complete with an observant trail and waterway walk, leaf-boat races, and nature sketching.
Partnerships also enabled us to tackle fuels reduction and fire safety projects. We teamed up with Placer Resource Conservation District (RCD) on their North Fork American River Shaded Fuel Break Phase 2 project to clear 41 acres of scotch broom, blackberry, and poison oak at Aeolia, Stagecoach, and Canyon View Preserves. The project was funded by CAL FIRE in partnership with Placer RCD.
We also partnered with the AmeriCorps NCCC Program to kick off a Shaded Fuel Break project at Kotomyan Big Hill Preserve. We worked on the fuel break all fall and winter, and ramped up our partnerships to complete the project by spring! We are so grateful for the support and teamwork we received from Placer County Department of Agriculture, Parks, and Natural Resources, who assisted with chipping the brush piles resulting from thinning. By the end of 2024, we completed approximately 2/3 of this 45-acre project.
Join us outdoors! Check out our Event Calendar page for hikes, outings, Open Preserve Days, and more!

Placer Land Trust Restores Habitat for Threatened Longhorn Beetle
Battling the Broom: Volunteers Tackle Invasive Species
Stewarding Our Lands for Fire Safety and Forest Health
Partnering with Colfax-Todds Valley Consolidated Tribe on Conservation and Cultural Stewardship Projects
More Top Stories of 2024
Eagle Scout Designs Nature-Themed Sensory Path
2024 Staff Transitions
AmeriCorps Day in the Field
Let's Get Social
2024 saw the launch of “Gettin’ Out with Gary!” This new (and award-winning) social-media video series features Stewardship Assistant Gary Wells sharing the cool things he finds out in the field, from the survival strategies of mosses to the engineering genius of beavers. Follow us on your favorite social media hangouts for adventures with Gary, sneak peeks of upcoming projects, and so much more!
P.S. Want to see us on a social media platform that isn’t listed here? Let our communications team know where you hang out online!
Our Mission
Placer Land Trust works with willing landowners and conservation partners to permanently protect and care for natural and agricultural lands in Placer County for current and future generations.
Land Acknowledgment
The protected lands in Placer Land Trust’s care are the ancestral lands of the Maidu, Miwok, Nisenan and Washoe tribes. These lands were forcibly seized, and these tribes were unjustly treated. Although Placer Land Trust cannot change the past, we seek to work with local Native American tribes where we can to help address this injustice.

Forever Society Spotlight
“We are very pleased to include the Placer Land Trust in our estate plans. Their success in preserving the beautiful rural Sierra Nevada foothills makes them most deserving of our support.”
– Karl Mertz Jr. and Sarah Roeske, Forever Society members
Karl says: “Including the Land Trust is my way of saying a very profound thank you for the work and advocacy that your group conducts, including coordination with other land trusts in the region and the state. What you are accomplishing is astonishing, timely, and essential.
Sarah adds: “When we moved to Newcastle in 1990 I was drawn to this area in part because of the farming and ranching history. Becoming involved with the Placer Land Trust made me appreciate the richness of that culture and the need to help preserve it. I also greatly appreciate the Land Trust’s focus on American River acquisitions along the edge of the Auburn State Recreation area. The American River and its canyons are such an important ecological and recreational asset.”
To learn more about how you can leave a legacy to protect the lands you value in Placer County for generations to come, click here.
In 2024, we made great strides toward protecting Clover Valley, one of the last remaining intact sections of oak woodlands in western Placer County. This has been a challenging project, but we are closer than ever to saving this precious gem from development, thanks to our partners and the support of the community! Get the latest news on the project here.

Members also receive our printed Annual Community Report by mail.
To download a copy, click the link below.
2024 Supporters
Conservation Champions
Donations of $5,000+
AKT Development Inc.
Alanbro 85
Angelo K. Tsakopoulos Holdings
Aronowitz Skidmore Lyon
The Barthold Family Foundation
Neil & Nicole Bullock
Katie Burdick
California Foundation for Stronger Communities
Community Needs Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
Michael & Anabeth Connolly
Jeannette Duff
Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust
The George W. Bauer Family Foundation
Harvego Family Foundation
*Doug Houston
Jodene Isaacs
Cyrus Javadi
Samuel & Norma Johnson
Kelly Foundation
*Mary Kleinbach Memorial
John & Marlene Knox
John Krogsrud & Deborah Domitrovich
Land Trust Alliance
Lisa & David Klaeser Foundation
Mary Ann Flemmer Arts & Environment Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
Joanne Neft
Diane Pargament
Christine Pieper & Dennis Grossman
Debra & Graeme Plant
Dean Prigmore & Patrice Taylor
Richard & Barb Proffitt
Janet Pucci & Ray Santana
Gail Sparks
State of California Department of Conservation
Donald & Audrey Stoye
Trust Committee Claudia J. Cummings
and Troy Estacio
Forever Society
Supporters who have included Placer Land Trust in their will and/or estate plans
Anonymous (4)
Veronica Blake
Kurt & Karen Bleuel
Norma Brink
Billie Cannon
Dennis M. Cavallo, M.D. & Sharon P. Cavallo
Jeff Darlington
Richard Everett
Mary Ann Flemmer
Kelleann Foster
Jan Foster & Ray Valone
Douglas A. Freeman
Bob Gilliom & Patty Schifferle
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
Doug Houston & Sons
Karen Keene & Ron Kohl
Steve & Karen Killebrew
Joan Levers & David Manhart
Paula Maxwell
Tom (deceased) & Nancy McMahan
Karl Mertz Jr. & Sarah Roeske
Kristi Meyer
Ron & Jan Miller
Jeff & Candace Morton
Michael Pargament (deceased) & Diane Pargament
Graeme & Debra Plant
Dean Prigmore & Patrice Taylor
Barbara G. Schutz
Sydney J. Seeauer
Nicole Spencer
Janet & John Voris
Larry & Linda Welch
Gary & Shannon Wells
Karen Wyatt
Land Benefactors
Supporters who have chosen to protect their land and have included a charitable contribution
AKT Investments, Inc.
American Land Conservancy
American River Conservancy
Lisa & Doug Balmain
Beard Ranch
Ron & Sharon Bettencourt
John & Lugene Boyd Family
Brodovsky Family
Chamberlain Family
Crisp Family Trust
Cummings Family
Dennis & Nancy Meyer Family Trust
Gretchen & Richard Dyson
Mark Emalfarb
Emigrant Trails Greenway Trust
Ferreira Family
Foresthill Land Company, LLC
Robert & Denise Freiheit
Neil Gerjuoy
Gould Family
The Harvego Family
Bill & Vera Johnston Family
Labadie Family
Andy & Shana Laursen
David Loera & Alison Harvey
Ron, Kathy, & Blair Meyer Family
Carmelinda Moy
Nicolaysen Family Trust
Daryl & Sue Oest
Patrick Laughlin Trust
Protect American River Canyons
Susan Taylor
Tsakopoulos Family
Leslie F. Warren
Williams Group
Wilson Family
Heidi & Clif Youmans
Land Protectors
Supporters who have chosen to protect their land, benefiting us all today and for generations to come
Auburn Area Recreation and Park District
City of Auburn
Florence Fang
Paul Mergen
James Nichols
Pannell Family
Placer County
Siller Brothers, Inc.
Streeter Family
Paula Turtletaub
Wheeler Family
Land Acquisition Grant Funders
California Climate Investments
California Department of Conservation
Land and Water Conservation Fund
Placer Legacy Open Space
and Agricultural Conservation Program
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Those who have had a gift made in their memory
Doroty Adams
Tomas Beattie
Lucas F Chellew
Janet Connor
Sara DeGregorio
Rev. Dr. Harpo P. Edwards
Jackie Epstein
Frankie Harper
Mitch Haydon
Donald Henderson
William Henry & Ruth Marie Moore
Sheldon Stanley Holtz
Captain Steve Howard
Ivan & Margie Inglett
Michael Inglett
Toni Jensen
John Keene
Mary Kleinbach
Richard Rogers Lamb
James Lawrence
Floyd LeCureux
Doyleen McMurtry
Shirleybird & Alleycat
Carol Taylor
William Toy
Glenn Tuccinardi
Jim Webber
Norman Wilson & Dale Wilson
Those who have had a gift made in their honor
James Ball
Loren Clark
Virginia Daetz
Rachel Gedeit
David Graber & Rachel Mueller
Gavin Guthrie
Jim Haagen-Smit
Tracy Holman
Evelyn Morrison
Christine Pieper
Don Rake
Eden Rock
Michael & Maxwell Rule
Josephine Schichtel
Amy Supinger
We are grateful to all individuals and organizations who have supported Placer Land Trust’s mission with a gift of their time, talent, or treasure! (Members with an asterisk * next to their name are sustaining donors.)
If you find an error or would prefer your name to be listed differently, contact us by email.
Elizabeth Abalos
Michela Abrams
Tricia Adamson
Sharon Adamson
Brian Aguilar
Marcy Ahrons
Brent Ainsworth
Sabrina Alaniz
Paul Albrecht
Marjan Alidoost
Jef & Elizabeth Allbright
All-Cal Insurance Agency
David & Lisa Allen
Graham Allen
Sherrie Althouse
Emily Andersen
*Terri Anderson
Sue Andreasen
Kim Andrup
Charles Anema
Animal Medical Center
Amy Annear
Elaine & David Applebaum
Colleen Archuleta
Ben Arikawa
Carol Armour
Paul & Diane Aronowitz
Allison Aronstam
Louise Arquilla
Auburn Toyota
Danny & Deborah Avila
Guadalupe Avila-Kirwan
Karen Azama-Kihara
Elysia Baines
Chris Baker
Gabriel Baker
Laura Baker
Mikaela Balaban
Russell & Susanne Baldo
Audrey Ball
Shirley Ballinger
Lisa & Doug Balmain
Achini Bandara
David Barbeiro
Elizabeth Barberio
Fred Barnhart
Ginger Barrett
Marilyn Barthelow
Kerri & Paul Barton
Mike Barton
Don & Ruth Baylis
Valerie Bayne
Marilyne Bazlen
Lisa Beauchamp
Carolyn Bechly
Kathy & Tom Bechly
Amber Beckler
Kat Beilby
Brendan Belby
Cathy Bell
Erik Bell
Tyler Bell
Terry Bennett
Diane Berg
Kelly Berger
Jaime Berry
George & Jeanmarie Bills
Jill Birchell
*Leslie Bisharat
Kay Black
Laurie Black
Veronica Blake
*Robin Blakley
Kurt & Karen Bleuel
Elliot Block
Lisa Bloom
Nancy Bloom
Rex & Sherri Bloomfield
Nora & Robert Boeger
Laurel Bollinger
Megan Bondar
Kim Bonzell
Boorinakis Harper Ranch
Julia Boorinakis Harper & Anton Barbeau
Sean & Debbie Booth
Rodney & Kristen Borges
Julie Bornhoeft
Boutin Jones, Inc.
Dennis & Brenda Bowcut
Kim Box & Craig Robertson
John & Lugene Boyd Family
Martha Boyer
Annemarie Boyle
Farra Bracht
Laura Brahce
Jim & Patricia Branham
Jomarie Branstad
*Brenchley-Jackson Fund of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Margit Brendel
Larry Brenden
Barbara Brenner & Char Ghio
*Sarah & Kirk Bresniker
Doug Brewer
BriarPatch Food Co-op
Norma Brink
Barbara Briscoe
Carol Brodeur
Anne & Greg Brown
Justine Brown
Ken & Julann Brown
Linda Brown
Steve Brown
Kim Brown & Jeff Hartnett
Lauren Brown & Ian NItta
Meredith Bruck
Bruin Ranch
Ann Bryant
Joe Bryant
Barbara Bumgarner
Lynne Burgan
Dea Burlew
Joseph & Jeryn Byrne
Dan & Patty Calabrese
Evan Caldera
California Conservation of Trails
California Rice Commission
California Wildlife Foundation
Patricia Callan-McKinney
*Alaine Callen
Karen Camara
Camden Spit & Larder
Billie Cannon
Sherry & Craig Caplinger
Cathryn & Gary Caruso
Anne Casagrande
Annette Casebolt
Ruth Casler
Tricia & Rick Caspers Ross
Steven Catlin
Dennis & Sharon Cavallo
Nicholas Cecchi
Century 21 Select Real Estate, Inc.
Hannah Chale
Paul Chamberlain Jr. & Suzanne Leonoudakis
Erin Chambers
Kelly Chandler
Cathy Chappell
Linda Chase
Teresa Chase
Marion Chellew
Iris Ching
Lucinda Chipponeri
Sherlynn Choi
Richard Choy
Mary Christopherson
Amy Cima
Christy Claes
Gerry & Lori Claflin
Karen Clark
Loren & Debbie Clark
Idelle Claypool
Clover Valley Foundation
Debbie Cochrane
Richard & Alice Cocke
Kelly Cohen
Lucy Coleman
Sean & Michael Collins
Avery Comstock
Julie Comstock
Cynthia Conidaris
Melissa Conner
Cook Family Charitable Fund
*Diane Cornwall
Ryan Corp
Sara Corzine
Katie Coughlin
Kori Cox & Stewart Vaghti
Moire Creek & Ken Turteltaub
Kevin & Patricia Crisp
Doug & Vicki Croall
Crocker Art Museum
Jacqueline Cullati
Tomi Cunningham
Denney Daetz
Kendra Daijogo
Michael & Mischa Dalcerri
Christa Daley
Mike Danforth
Charlene Daniels
Jeff Darlington
John & Cynthia Darlington
Mick & Carole Darlington
Dale & Mary Darney
Michael Davirro
Kelley Davis
Steven Davis
Susan & Fred Davis
Jean & Dean Decker
Valerie Decker
Kathryn DeFay
Janice DeFelice
Elena DeLacy
Sandy Delehanty
Jean-Louis Delville
Andrew DeMar Family Foundation
Dennis & Nancy Meyer Family Trust
Paul & Elaheh Denzler
Tony DeRiggi
Peggy Dewey
DF Properties
*Amy & Adam Dieter
Mary Beth Dietrich
Dan & Dorothy Dimick
Suzanne Dings
Jacqueline Dion
Kirk Dixon & Margaret Mc Kie
Peter Doelling
Cheryl Domnitch & Larry Rosenthal
Patty & Dennis Dong
Dorothy B. and Jane A. Hamilton Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
Penny Dougherty
Debbie Douglass
Alice Dowdin Calvillo
*Doreen Drake
Marcia Drake
Devona Drewes
*Rachel DuBose
Jason Dumont
Alice & Brion Dunbar
Laura Duncan & Peter Bridges
Kirstyn Dutro
East Wind Yoga
Jon & Karen Easterbrook
Peter Easton
Abby Eck
Kevin Eckard
Ranny Eckstrom & Meredith Nelson
ECORP Consulting, Inc.
Dan Eddleman & Sherlynn Choi
Chris Edwards
Jeannie Edwards
Kathleen & Perry Edwards
Randolph Elder
Toby Elliott
Emily Ellis
Judy Ellis
Roy & Debbie Elsbernd
Rosemary Elston
Mark Emalfarb
Kimberly Embree
Caleb Engel
Darlene & Jon Engellenner
Karen Enghusen
Linda Enis
Alan Epstein
Gary Estes
Paul & Donna Estridge
Amy Eubank
*Anne Evans
Amy Evans
Mary Evans
*Curt & Mary Anne Evanson
*Dave Evensen & Robin Fennel
Rosanna Everson & David Tanner
*Trevor Fagerskog
Barbara Fairchild
Don Fallon
Fechter & Company, CPA’s
Bob Fehr
Liesl Feldman
David Fenolio
Kassy & Colin Ferguson
Rich Ferreira
Walker Ferretti
Fred Festersen
Ellen & Walter Fickewirth
Willow Fiero
Willow Fierro
Monica Finn & Bryan Cowman
Autumn Finnerty
Dave & Laura Fisher
Georgia Flake
Makayla Fleisher
Sandy & Gary Floyd
Jeffrey & Barbara Foltz
Elena Forbes
Brent Ford
Daren Ford
Joyce Foster
Kelleann Foster
Steve & Cynthia Foster
Jan Foster & Ray Valone
Mark & Patty Fowler
Chris Fox
Elizabeth Fox
Catherine Fox-Anderson
Tim & Linda Fraguglia
*Barbara Fralick
Darci Frank
Steve Freeman
Michael Frey & Donna Eckwortzel
Sandy Fried
Ted Frink
Steve Frisch
Margot & Jeffrey Fulmer
Donna & Merrill Furlow
Mary Furney
Kerstin Furtauer
Kathy Gaither
Joanne & Phillip Galati
Elizabeth Gallagher
Aaron Galloway
Jerry Gamez
Carole Gan
Tony Ganger
Daniel Gannon
Len & Kris Ganz
Rebecca Garcia
Tracy Garcia
Linda Gartner
*Reinhold & Rachel Gedeit
Kevin Gee
Tara Gee
Daniel Geiger
Kent Geller
Mark Gentry
Neil Gerjuoy
Sharon Gern
Sylviane Giacoletto
Ken & Susan Giannotti
Arla G. Gibson-Bautista & Bud Bautista
Burda Gilbert
Ilizabeth Gilbert
Stephen Gilbert
Susan Giles
Sarah & John Gillmore
Amber Lee Ginorio
The Giovanetti Family
Jennifer Glenn-Ford
Pete & Mary Gobby
Tonya Goins
Rose Gonzalez
Barbara Goodson
Bonnie & Robert Gore
Doris Gorin
Ron Gould
Arlene & David Graber
Kathleen Grace
Val & Jeff Graden
*Justin Gragg
Elias Grant
Leslie Gray
Licia Green
Sean Greene
Rachel Greer-Bejarano
Mary Beth & Benjamin Greiner
Jerry Gridley
Sandra Grinnell
Ed & Charlene Guay
Brando Guerrero
Melinda & Josh Guice
Cindy Gustafson & Wally Auerbach
Laurie Gutierrez
Jim & Cathy Haagen-Smit
Allison Hacker
Natalie & Mike Hadden
Mark Hagen
Glen & Sepha Hall
Robert Hall
Bill Halldin
Michelle Hamil
Caren Hamilton
Jane Hamilton
Mary Ann Hamilton
Heidi Hansen
Kirk & Alice Hanson
Leslie Harbaugh
Heather Harden
Michiyo Harrigan
Barbara Harris
Julie Harris
Sandy Harris
Eugene & Arlene Harrison
Marc Harrison
Pamela Harrison & Shelly Tilley
Alison Harvey & David Loera
Jacob Hashagen
Rob & Kimberly Haswell
Fran Haulman Herbst
Christopher Haupt
Elizabeth Hawks
Judy Hayamizu
Vickie Hayashigatani
Nancy Heard
Heather & Colby Heaton
Megan Hecox
Cathleen Hedges
Ralph Hendrix
Desiree Hennessy
Michael Herbert
Gayle Herman
Ann Heron
Sandy & Alan Hersh
Tyler Hersko
Meghan Hertel
Michael & Pamela Hessom
Caroline Hickson
Elizabeth Hill
Mark Hill
Julie Hirota
Collin & Linda Hobbs
Lora Holland
Leslie Hollister
John Holloway & Elaine Reed
Jim & Pat Holmes
Mike Holmes
Dale & Jane Holmgren
Nancy Holtz-McMahan
James Holway
Erik & Tina Homelvig
Ed & Mary Ann Horton
Jackie House
Houston Magnani & Associates
Rick Hoyme
Mary Hubbard
Jessica Hubbard & Josh Kurtz
Pat & Al Huber
Mariah Hudler
Leo & Jennifer Huerta
Karen Huffines
Corey Hughers
Caitlyn Hughes
Bryce Hunter
Daniel & Deborah Hunter
Stephanie & Phillip Huntingdale
Josh Huntsinger
Linda Hurd
Michele Hurst
Frankie Hutchings
Sharel Hutchison & Pete MacRostie
Mary Hynes
Allison Ibsen
Therese Iknoian & Michael Hodgson
Gerda & David Imgrund
Martha & Ted Irons
J.A.E. Fund For Animal & Environmental Welfare
at Placer Community Foundation
Roland Jackson
Jordan Jakobsen
Arlene Jamar
Victoria R James
Elizabeth Jansen
Seth Janssen
Marilyn Jasper
Jared Jensen
*Joan Jernegan & Barry Carr
Barbara Jicha
Janet & Ray Jimenez
Erin Johansen
Amy & Steve Johnson
Cathy Johnson
Janice Johnson
Jonathan Johnson
Karen & Gerald Johnson
Linda Johnson
Mark Johnson
Bill & Vera Johnston Family
Nanette & Alan LeTendre Johnston
Greg & Sara Jones
The Joyce W Armitage Fund
at Placer Community Foundation
Jeri Juergenson
John & Vivian Justus
Corinne & Guido Kaelin
Merrill Kagan-Weston
Michael Kahn
Ronney Kandah
Michele Kane
Greg Kareofelas
*Chris & Suzanne Kasso
Doni Kay
The Keefe Family
Karen Keene & Ron Kohl
David Keim
Liz Keim & Wade Wright
The Keller Family Pathway Fund
at Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Loretta Kelley
Keith & Teresa Kenworthy
Steve & Karen Killebrew
Dawn Killian
Linda & Scott Killian
Bob & Paige Kingman
Lisa Kinnear
Carmen Kirkpatrick
Kate & Stuart Kirsh
Robert Kishaba
Kerri Kisko
*Tad Kitada
Karen Kiyo Lowhurst
Tatyana Kjellberg
Rebecca Kleiner
*Jim & Deb Knox
John Knutson
Brittany Kohler
Neil Kohler
Sarah Konst
Gary & Heather Koolhof
Diana Kostka
Susan & Steve Kotelnicki
Ann Kray
William Kress
Ken Krogsrud
Heidi & Dave Krolick
Edward & Billie Kucala
Jean Labadie
Erin Lacey King
Eric Lacie
Charles LaCivita
Gayna Lamb-Bang
*Wendy Lambert
Lucy LaMotte
Sonja Lane
Martha Langill
Judi Lardner
Celia LaRiviere
Beth Laskey
Ania Laszcz
Nicole Laubach Ferretti
Patrick Laughlin
Andy & Shana Laursen
Karen & Greg Lawley
Linda & Bob Lawrence
Julie Lawson
Kailee Layaoen
Byron & Corinne Lee
Cynthia Lee
Zinnia Lee & Ken Windholz
Karli Leitz
Deborah Lenny
Haley Leonard
Joan Levers & David Manhart
Michael Levin
Eric Levinson
Justin Lewis
Bobbie Leyva
Jacquelene Liddiard
Life-Assist Inc.
Carol Lille
Kristina Lloyd
Marcus Lo Duca & Jennifer Farrar
Melissa Lobach
Jim & Linda Lobue
Natasha Lodahl
Lone Buffalo Vineyards
Sherine Lorenz
Kathy Lowry
Rebecca Lucas
Michael Luken
Morgan Lynn
Katy & Mark Lyon
Ellen MacInnes
Gay & Barry Mackintosh
Jocelyn Maddux
*Dan Magaw
Kimberly Maker
Patricia & Don Malberg
Rick Maness
Ann Manji
Marble Mountain Dude Ranch
Lidia Marchioni
Mary Marcus
Ken Margiott
John Margowski
John Marinko
Jeffrey Markov
Norine Marks & David Silberman
Chris & Carrie Marovich
Alexia Martin
Michelle Martin
Jack Martin Jr
*Shawna & Ron Martinez
Staci Martinez
Dee Martinot
The Martis Fund
Larry Matz
Louis Maucieri
Maxwell/Bugay Family Revocable Trust
Marsha & Richard McAnulty
Jim & Elizabeth McBride
Pat & Cheryl McCartney
Katie McCleary & Nicholas Miller
Holly McClure & Jeff McCreary
Cara McCoy & Russell Mooney
Dudley McFadden
Donna McGlaughlin
Loretta McGrath
Connie McLennan
Betty McMartin
Janet McMartin
Christine & Stewart McMorrow
Christine McPherson
Stephen & Renee Meade
Joe & Lynn Medeiros
Marilyn Meek
Ricardo Meija
Carol Lee Meinhold
*Gary & Sandra Mele
Deepa Menon
Sharon & Thomas Merchant
Linda Mercurio & Madeline Cramer
Janice Merdgen
Paul Mergen
Julie & Fred Merriam
Bunny Merrill
Karl Mertz, Jr.
Charlene Messner
Kristi Meyer
Cathy & Jeff Mikles
Jason & Ginny Miller
John Miller
Megan Miller
Miller Honey Farms
Ron & Jan Miller
Casey Mills
Tom Milner & Pat Ferguson
Barbara Milton
Collette & Bob Minturn
Leigh & Carol Mintz
Mitchell Chadwick LLP
Jessica Monroe
Linda Montague
Sophia Montes
Stephanie Monzon
Cyle Moon
*Shelley & Ben Moore
Becky Moore
Laura Moore
Mark Moore & Renee Rankin
*Brad & Andrea Morgan
Chelsea Morgan
Sasha Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Linda Morley
Dolores Morrison
Karen Morse & Robert Niblack
Jeff & Candace Morton
Tom & Laura Morton
Eric Moss
Julanne Mostrella
Carmelinda Moy
Danell & Mike Mulligan
Kaelyn Mulligan
Keri Muma
David Muraki
Jason Murphy
Regina Murtha
Ellen Nakata-Harper
Susan Narlock
National Philanthropic Trust
Thomas Neary & Susan Dupre
John Neil
Carole Nelson
Ward Nelson
Maria Nemeth
Flo Nerby
Newcastle Properties Group
Gerry Nicholson
Janet & Rick Nicholson
Nicholson van Altena Glass
Frank Nissen
Kathleen Nitta
Nitta Plants & Plans
Nancy & Ken Nittler
Steve Noll
David & Cathy Norcott
Gary Noy
Lisa O’Sullivan
Zane OConnor
Paige O’Connor
Daryl & Sue Oest
Craig Ohlendorf
Tomasz Olesiejuk
Randy Oliver
Mary O’Mara
Dan & Bernice Opichka
Gary Orr
Kristen O’Shea
Simone Ostovari
Laura Owen
Toni Owen
Becky Owens
Pacific Gas & ELectric
Karen Paige
Rita Paiz
Katie Palatinus
Palisades Tahoe
Jennipher Paul
PayPal Giving Fund
Richard Pearson & Jean Hart
Steve & Pam Peck
Molly Penberth
Ashlay Perkins
Daniel Perkins
*Stephen Perlman
Joel Perlstein
Mark Perry
Peter P. Bollinger Family Fund
of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Sherrie & Craig Petersen
Kelly Peterson
Richard & Dorothy Peterson
*Joanne Petithory
Jan Petrenko
Erik Pfeffen
Daniel Phelps & Patricia Osborn
Tara Phillips
Lisa Pierini
Bert & Ruth Pierroz
Tom & Mary Piette
Mary Pivetti
Placer Artists Tour
Placer County Board of Supervisors
Placer County Vintner Association
Placer County Water Agency
Placer Title Company
Andrew & Janna Polik
Jana Polik
Alasdair Jonathan Porteus
Stacey Powell
*Jaimie & Jason Price
Shannon Pries
Sarah Prince
*Susan Prince & Jim Ricker
Andrew Pulcheon
Carolyn Purdy
Jill Quan
Cathy Quatsoe
Karen Quinlan
Rahul Ragu
David Raish
*Don Rake
Ryan Rake
Karen Ramm
Roberta & Michael Raymond
Carly Reci
Susan Reed
Lori Reeves
Sandra & Jerry Reeves
Anita & Dale Reis
Joan Renne
*Dana Repan
Restaurant Josephine
Alexia Retallack
Jennifer Reyna
Kirsten & Steve Reynolds
Sheila Reynolds
Julie Rhoten
Ed & Sue Rice
Stephanie & Joel Richardson
Gerald Rico & Neva Kesselring
Mark & Gayle Rideout
Gilbert Riojas
*Iggy Rivas
Allison Roady
Shirley Roady
Jolan Roberts
Rebecca Roberts
Philip & Birgit Robertson
*Douglas & Rhonda Robins
Jan Robinson Fleener
Eden & Pat Rock
Brenda Rockwell
Monica Rodriguez
Sarah Roeske
Grace Rogers
Gayle Rohner
Kimberly Romanchick
Stephanie Romero
Mark & Janine Romney
Steven Rose
K.W. Rosenkranz
Deren Ross
Diane Ross
Sarah Ross
Danielle Rossetti-Busa
Thomas Rotelli
Catherine Roth
Ivette Rothenberg
Charles Routt & Edith Thacher
Ann Rubenstein-Zerin
Joan & Mike Rubino
Dan & Anne Runte
Tina Runyen
Donald & Janet Russell
Gayle Russell
Shirley Russell
Richard & Laura Rust
Glady & Tom Rutherford
Karrie Rutherford
Patty & Paul Ruud
Bob Ryan & Megan Anderson
Peter Sabin
Natalie Saldou
Brandon & Laurel Sanders
Chris Sands
Rose Sangco
Belen & Jim Sawyer
Susan Sawyer
Phil & Jill Sayre
Allison Schichtel
Ellen & Claire Schloenvogt
Shandon & David Schmeiske
John & Mary Jean Schroeder
Drew Schultz
Leslie Schuman
Richard Schuman
Barbara G. Schutz
*Steve Scott
Cathy & Mark Scott
Lisa Seals
Matt & Sophie Sears-Huffiness
Brendan Seigal
Alexx Seipp
Gail Selby
Stephanie Selby
Justin Self
Valerie Seymour
Ty Shalley
Oluwakemi Shamonda
Joseph Shanahan
Jill Shannon
Shaw Yoder Antwih Schmelzer & Lange
Suzanne Sheetz
Shane Shepherd
Sandi Sherwood
Michael & Melissa Shimizu
Karen & Stan Shook
Lindsay Shopland
Pam Shore
Pamela Shugarte
Side Hill Citrus
Lauren Sidey
Sierra Business Council
Sierra Whitewater Inc.
Michelle Sierra-Sammons
Signature Homes, Inc.
Patty & Jim Siino
Kathy Sinclair
Timothy Smaldone
Linda Small
Steve & Martha Smetana
Jeri Ann Smith
Joy Smith
Roger & Irene Smith
Jean Snuggs
Sonja Sorbo
Nicole Spencer
Cathleen Spence-Wells & Greg Wells
Eralise Spokely
Sue Stack
John Stafford
Shanna Stafford
Peter Standish-Lee
Mary & Michael Stark
Robert Stefanovic
Sallysue Stein & Tony Engberg
Sheila Steinberg
Tim Stephenson & Ali Goff
David Sterling
Betsey & Jared Stevens
Moreland & Mary Stevens
Jan Stevens & Carole Cory
Annabelle Stewart
Claire Stewart
Pam Stocklmeir
Susan Stoll
Joe & Cindy Strickland
Ami Stroud
Rose Hoskinson & Robert Stuart
Amy Supinger & Michael Cohen
*Keith & Kara Sutter
Jennifer Swain
Monique Swanson
Laurie Sweeney
Gary Symington
*Angela Tahti
Vicki Takagishi
Jan Tamayo
Target Circle
David Tarvin
Peter Tateishi
Susan Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Richard Taylor & Tracy Grubbs
Kathryn Tegtmeier
Christine Telford
Timothy Therien
Ann Thomas
Ashley Thomas
Julie Thomas
Melinda Thompson
Sabrina Thompson
Vince & Noelle Thompson
Carol Thompson & David Hughes
Chelsey Thompson & Gavin Guthrie
Margaret Tides
Vincent Tigno
Alison Till
John & Kerri Timmer
J.P. Tindell
Terri Tokutomi
Margie Tomenko
Raenel Toste
Michael & Martha Totaro
Nicole Tracy
Robin Trimble
Truckee Donner Land Trust
Mike & Julie Trueblood
Cheryl & Richard Tsushima
Doreen Tucker
Nicole Tucker
Christine E. Turner
Meredith Turner
Russell & Pam Tweet
Umpqua Bank – Workplace Giving
United Way
Jeff Utberg
Erika Vaca
*Mehrey Vaghti & Tom Toy
Terri Van Bibber
Vanessa Van Dyke
John & Laurie Van Groningen
Patricia Van Looy
Lezlie Vannatta
Craig VanZante
Judy Vargas
LeeAnn & Mark Vaughan
The Vera Family
Victory Velo Bike Shop
Alba & Bernard Vieira Benito
Wayne & Barbara Vineyard
Visit Placer
Joe & Sue Vitales
Nick Vogt
Janet & John Voris
*Theresa Voss & Bill Jackson
Nathan Wada
Joy Waite & Mark Calhoun
*Shawn Wakefield
Sonna Waldron
Earl & Mary Walker
*Kara & Aaron Walker
Kristin Wallace
Bruce Waln
Ann Walsh
Christina Walsh-Curley & Dennis Curley
Donna Ward
Barbara Washburn
Brandy Waters
*William Wauters
Brandon Wautlet
Jeff Wax
Bruce Waymire
Eric Webb
*Phil & Kathy Weber
Angela Wehman
Barbara & Edward Weiss
Kathy Welch
Larry & Linda Welch
Gary & Shannon Wells
Michael Wells
Scott & Cathy Wells
Barbara Wendt
Westervelt Ecological Services
Steve & Tracy Wetzel
Robert Weygandt
Herb & Susan Whitaker
*Harry & Karen White
White Brenner LLP
Cindy Whitson-White & Roke Whitson
Mike Whittet
Taelor Whittington
Kelley Widrin
Louise & Dick Wiesner
Story Wiggins
Hugh & Pana Wilder
Molly Willard
Cheryl Williams
Jeff Williams
Williams Group
Robert Willsea
Rich & Kathy Wilshusen
Craig Wilson
James Wilson
Mark Wilson
Meagan Wilson
Stephanie Wilson
Wilson, Myers & Dold
Lori Wilson-Hopkins
Brian & Rina Winsor
Sharon & Kenneth Winter
Karin Winters
Britt Wisdom
Gay Wiseman
Jean Woeckener & Robert Burns
Jeanine Wolf
Diane Wolfe
Jeremy Wolfe
David & Monique Wood
Scot Woodland
Bryan Wright
Kate Wright
Karen Wyatt
Frank & Sherry Wynn
Ray & Irene Yamasaki
Makiko Yamashita
Adrienne Yarnold
Edward & Barbara Yeager
Fred & Denise Yeager
Louis Yeager
*Anita & Bill Yoder
Terry Yoder
Ken & Francine Yorde
Heidi & Clif Youmans
Robin Yount & Urs Wehrle
Lisa Zaffran
Marcia Zaklan-Ferris
Theresa Zaro
Carol Zaworski
Matt & Tammy Zidar
Daniella Zimmerman